CK is how you pronounce his actual name (birth name? Father's last name? Whatever, I feel confident you know what I mean), not initials. That much I know.
I have other comments to make but they will have to wait until work is not devouring me from beneath...
Huh. Well, I just learnt:
Louis Szekely, known professionally as Louis C.K., is a Mexican-American comedian
I can see how Szekely is almost C.K., but transliteration is so casual these days.
The Mexican-American part I knew nowt about. Grandpa Szekely was a Hungarian that emigrated to Mexico.
I love migration.
Or maybe I'll try to type in between tasks...
Anyway, yeah, no continuity to the HBO show, just casting people he likes.
Janet is the ex. I believe she is the only ex, although I am not sure (in as much as I am not sure about much on this show it has a fluid in show reality in general). Lily and Jane are definitely her kids, though. The marriage/kids flashback - I don't know if that was real history with Janet and weird casting, real history with another ex we haven't heard about for some reason, or some kind of fantasy sequence.
I very much enjoyed Jeremy Renner giving his cat eye drops.
What I like most about the show in general is that he just keeps trying different things. Some of it works, some of it doesn't, some of it works amazingly well, but he hasn't just settled in and said "aha, let's keep doing that" which I appreciate.
I did not know either one of those things!
I made it through the first season of
but haven't been compelled to keep going. I know everyone praises it to the high heavens, and it's definitely unlike anything else...ever, basically, but I rarely think, boy, I want to watch an episode of
I still feel like I'd be making myself do it when I could instead watch an episode of
which I am still trekking through.
Futurama is good times.
I don't know if I would even recommend it to people, but I like Louie a whole lot. I also feel like I had to learn how to watch it over the course of the first season, but then I was really glad I had.
I definitely had to learn how to watch it because of its fuck-all approach to continuity, and there were definitely some bits I really liked. But I feel like it was a low percentage compared to what left me scratching my head or feeling unsatisfied.
I must track down the first season, but I find it (apart from much of the last 94 minutes) a very compelling and almost painfully human show.
I was expecting a comedy comedy, but there you go.
Yeah, painfully human is an excellent description.
Sometimes that is really funny(I love his stand-up) but sometimes the show is more like "?!"
I'm super over
so I'm ready to finish out the season tonight.