I also think Pierce deserved more.
How do you mean?
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
I also think Pierce deserved more.
How do you mean?
I'm gonna say it was a little Se7en, a little Zodiac, a little The Killing, probably some stuff I don't watch. More akin to paintball and zombies than Law and Order as episodes go, but serial killers
Yeah, I thought it was in a different arena, and I really liked it. I laughed a lot.
I didn't mean they were doing a Law & Order pastiche; just that I spent so much of the time trying to nail down just what they were riffing on that it distracted me from actually enjoying the episode.
Maybe they were going for a more generic hommage, but it looked so specific I kept thinking I should know exactly what they were working off of, and I couldn't. The meta kept throwing me out of the story, and that doesn't usually happen with this show.
I also think Pierce deserved more.
How do you mean?
More of a send off/acknowledgement that "He's dead, here's one brief monologue about him being dead, and now back to the episode".
I'm assuming there will be more in a later episode. But we shall see.
ETA: I"m a little disappointed that they killed Pierce off at all. Just having him banned from campus and not impacting the story really worked for me. But maybe they will take it somewhere good, who knows?
Pierce in the darkest timeline faked his own death, so this Pierce might not really be gone. It definitely felt anticlimactic in a way that makes me assume there will be more.
I agree with pretty much every word that Frank has already posted, so just pointing & saying "yes, that."
And I'm not usually the one who can't "take a joke" in the room, but I not only didn't find the coin thing funny, I found it actively disturbing - like to the point of debating myself whether it constituted sexual assault.
I felt they were definitely portraying it in that way a little, Epic, especially in Troy's reaction. So it did make me a little uncomfortable how they played it for laughs, but it was also so absurd that it worked enough for me. Like a lot of concept episodes, I loved how much it committed to its premise; the scene where Annie discovers it's Duncan was great.
Okay, I'll admit to loving Troy (and Abed, of course) reactions. Abed just keeps piling on blankets and has a whole table full of cups to ply him with. But that's because Troy & Abed make everything better.
I think it's funny, but I've probably watched more cheesy thrillers than anyone here.
Glancing through Entertainment Weekly, there's a reference to a planned "homage to David Fincher psychological thrillers". Maybe this was that?