t /Leonard
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
t /Leonard
The word "better" seems to be a stop word in the search engine....weird.
Anyway, finally digging in and pretending I can possibly watch everything in my Netflix queue before I die or they go bankrupt. So, time for Better Off Ted.
I like, I like. In that way I don't usually like sitcoms, but it lines up with Community and Arrested Development pretty neatly.
Yaaaaay. I just rewatched one of my favorite episodes ("Jabberwocky") a few weeks ago. Good times.
I am distracted by how well Colin would have rocked this role. Not that Jay isn't great--he's amazing. But that would totally play to his strengths.
Even more distracting because they worked together on Coupling.
Anyway, BOT was one of those things I heard good stuff about, but wasn't really watching sitcoms at the time. I did remember the motion sensor premise, though--I just never looked.
But now I have to stick to my mission, because Community S3 is here...
But hey! This is why we get long weekends, right?
Portia delivered a line during the German translator episode that had me rolling on the floor. It's not every comedy that can make a Hilter joke hilarious.
This is why we get long weekends, right?
Right! Glad you're enjoying BoT, BTW. That show caught me off guard with how funny it is. Was. Whatever verb tense.
I'm finally watching Sports Night this long weekend, myself. I kind of hated everyone involved for the first three or four episodes, but I think I'm sucked in now.
Fuck, man, Remedial Chaos Theory is just...brilliant and heartbreaking. Jeff...
I have three more Better Off Ted episodes to watch, but my Netflix connection went wonky, so I popped open S3.
I'm tempted to take these discs with me when I go back for my sister's birthday and somehow leave them behind.
But, before I do that, I need to make sure I've at least rewatched all of S3 (uh, from disc as opposed to TiVo, since they are all there still...)
Fuck, man, Remedial Chaos Theory is just...brilliant and heartbreaking. Jeff...
And it just lost the Hugo to "The Doctor's Wife," as expected.
Aha! I found the human dalmatian that the Dean was looking at: [link]
I have no idea why that was becoming more and more important, but I'm sure glad I'm done with it.
And it just lost the Hugo to "The Doctor's Wife," as expected.
22 minutes. Multiple realities. Come on, guys!
I really loved "Remedial Chaos Theory" but I also loved everything about the Doctor's wife plotline and thought "The Doctor's Wife" in particular was filled with extreme greatness.
I think I would've voted for Who for the Hugos. Remedial Chaos Theory is just as good a work of TV, quite possibly better, but I don't think it's a better work of SF. It's an unbelievably good work of characterization with an extremely well-wrought SF frame, but I would have gone traditional with my vote.