Fuck, man, Remedial Chaos Theory is just...brilliant and heartbreaking. Jeff...
I have three more Better Off Ted episodes to watch, but my Netflix connection went wonky, so I popped open S3.
I'm tempted to take these discs with me when I go back for my sister's birthday and somehow leave them behind.
But, before I do that, I need to make sure I've at least rewatched all of S3 (uh, from disc as opposed to TiVo, since they are all there still...)
Fuck, man, Remedial Chaos Theory is just...brilliant and heartbreaking. Jeff...
And it just lost the Hugo to "The Doctor's Wife," as expected.
Aha! I found the human dalmatian that the Dean was looking at: [link]
I have no idea why that was becoming more and more important, but I'm sure glad I'm done with it.
And it just lost the Hugo to "The Doctor's Wife," as expected.
22 minutes. Multiple realities. Come on, guys!
I really loved
"Remedial Chaos Theory"
but I also loved everything about the Doctor's wife plotline and thought "The Doctor's Wife" in particular was filled with extreme greatness.
I think I would've voted for Who for the Hugos. Remedial Chaos Theory is just as good a work of TV, quite possibly better, but I don't think it's a better work of SF. It's an unbelievably good work of characterization with an extremely well-wrought SF frame, but I would have gone traditional with my vote.
Aw, I forgot about the Neil/Vicky flirtage in Applied Anthropology. I guess they did fall in love.
You people might enjoy knowing that Yvette Nicole Brown and Danny Pudi are on the new Pyramid game show on GSN right now.
oh bugger, I meant to DVR that.
Does GSN repeat stuff?
It looks like they are airing a bunch of shows on Friday night, so maybe that will be the week again?
My listings say it's on tomorrow.
Eta: Or they are on again? IDK
The real Pyramid had the celebrities on all week, so I'm hoping this one does, too!