No, you can't. And few people can beat my reason for not going story (my gay date was in jail for setting the school on fire because he was trying to destroy the senior musical after he got kicked out of it)
I think you can beat everyone's prom story except Carrie's.
My prom song was "(I Do Love You) Still," by the Commodores. Which at least avoids being overwrought and melodramatic.
-t, indeed.
I was even all "Shoutout!" but my mom(who doesn't really grok the whole Wirefiend thing) was at the grocery store anyway, and today's cats just don't appreciate TV allusions in English.
But it was awesome.As it was that it was really "Rodgers" in the coroner scene.
I still brag that the High Hat, which I wrote about The Wire once for, got a shoutout for having "the best pepper steak in Baltimore" in one episode.
Community renewed for another 13 episodes!
Cool cool cool
though a full season would be better.
if they get decent numbers, it could happen, right?
Also, nice one, internet!
And they just pulled off another clip show with all-new clips AND managed to advance the season's arc! HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AMAZING!
Out of everything, my favorite moment was Shirley finding the book with the space cut out of it for a gun and just. putting. it. back.
(1) Yay for another season! Pick up more episodes NBC, you know you want to.
(2) Once again, I cannot believe how awesome this episode was.
(3) Bagel bites in a deconstructed Hot Pocket reduction with Dorito glaze = a world of yes