And they just pulled off another clip show with all-new clips AND managed to advance the season's arc! HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AMAZING!
Out of everything, my favorite moment was Shirley finding the book with the space cut out of it for a gun and just. putting. it. back.
(1) Yay for another season! Pick up more episodes NBC, you know you want to.
(2) Once again, I cannot believe how awesome this episode was.
(3) Bagel bites in a deconstructed Hot Pocket reduction with Dorito glaze = a world of yes
That was rather awesome, wasn't it.
I see many many rewatches in my near future.
Yes, definitely. I know I missed stuff
Comic density = very high
Big Bang Theory: That was a sweet ending to the season. I am a sucker for all the hand holding at the end.
Aw, Pawnee.
I almost teared up. Oh, this show. (ANN COULDN'T RESIST.)