I think it's time they stop giving solos to Finn
So much this. I actually enjoyed Corey Monteith this episode more than I have in a good long while, but his rendition of Losing My Religion was beyond bad.
I love Amber Riley's voice, but I didn't care for either of her songs this week. The Whitney song came off like an AI audition and I've heard better gospel covers of Bridge Over Troubled Waters. (Bebe and Cece Winans, for example). I felt like this version was a little shrill and sort of what people imagine church music at a a black church is like without it actually being like that.
Loved, loved Papa Can You Hear Me as a stand alone performance. I thought Lea Michele knocked it out of the park. However, I'm not sure it really worked in the story. It was kind of weird to see Rachel crooning this song to Burt and caressing his face tenderly when we've never seen them in a scene together before.
Overall, I liked the episode. There were some lovely parts(Chris Colfer singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand!) but I didn't love it.
It was kind of weird to see Rachel crooning this song to Burt and caressing his face tenderly when we've never seen them in a scene together before.
That didn't bother me. It struck me as Rachel enjoying being all caught up in the drama, but not really feeling anything for anyone else.
(Insert my standard pedantic rant about how "losing my religion" is not about losing one's religion.)
Lost love or unreturned or something.
losing one's religion
I vaguely remember hearing that it's an expression that means losing your sh*t, going crazy.
I got so sick of that song when it was all over MTV with the video with the milk and Michael Stipe sitting on that uncomfortable looking stool and angels and other band members running across the screen looking meaningfully over their shoulders and I just did not get why either the song or the video where ever considered to be such great shakes, but at the very least Michael Stipe can actually sing in that college radio station way of his. Unlike Finn, who just bleats his way through most songs.
That said, I am excited for Don't Go Breaking My Heart, even with Finn, because that song cannot be not good.
I vaguely remember hearing that it's an expression that means losing your sh*t, going crazy.
Oh! I never made the connection because I'd always heard it in future tense, as a warning. Much like "I may forget my manners". Hm.
Yeah, the phrase itself is something more like losing your temper, losing your composure. The song itself is about going crazy over an unrequited love. None of it has anything to do with spirituality or faith, which is how it's usually interpreted, and how it was used in the show.
None of it has anything to do with spirituality or faith, which is how it's usually interpreted, and how it was used in the show.
But it was used that way by Finn, and it makes perfect sense that he wouldn't look beyond the title. This is the guy who thought that praying was like asking a genie to grant 3 wishes, and who asked for things like the ability to touch Rachel's breasts. Even though he came storming up to Kurt angry that he hadn't been notified about Burt's condition he apparently never considered using what he thought was his personal hotline to his deity to ask for help for Burt.