I got so sick of that song when it was all over MTV with the video with the milk and Michael Stipe sitting on that uncomfortable looking stool and angels and other band members running across the screen looking meaningfully over their shoulders and I just did not get why either the song or the video where ever considered to be such great shakes, but at the very least Michael Stipe can actually sing in that college radio station way of his. Unlike Finn, who just bleats his way through most songs.
That said, I am excited for Don't Go Breaking My Heart, even with Finn, because that song cannot be not good.
I vaguely remember hearing that it's an expression that means losing your sh*t, going crazy.
Oh! I never made the connection because I'd always heard it in future tense, as a warning. Much like "I may forget my manners". Hm.
Yeah, the phrase itself is something more like losing your temper, losing your composure. The song itself is about going crazy over an unrequited love. None of it has anything to do with spirituality or faith, which is how it's usually interpreted, and how it was used in the show.
None of it has anything to do with spirituality or faith, which is how it's usually interpreted, and how it was used in the show.
But it was used that way by Finn, and it makes perfect sense that he wouldn't look beyond the title. This is the guy who thought that praying was like asking a genie to grant 3 wishes, and who asked for things like the ability to touch Rachel's breasts. Even though he came storming up to Kurt angry that he hadn't been notified about Burt's condition he apparently never considered using what he thought was his personal hotline to his deity to ask for help for Burt.
Sheldon with a cat = cutest thing EVAR.
Was anyone else kind of appalled that Finn didn't pray to his Grilled Cheesus for Kurt's dad?
They're really trying to make some of these characters as unlikable as possible!
I feel like after he got busted by Puck in the locker room, he would have prayed to Grilled Chesus for Burt's speedy recovery. But maybe getting kicked out of the house has caused more of a strain on Burt and Finn's relationship than we've been led to believe?
In the end, I think the show ended up landing on "It's good when other people care about you, however they express that caring in their own spiritual way" which I mostly agree with. I am an atheist, but if I was having a rough time I would accept every "I'm praying for you" and feel truly thankful for it, so I guess I liked that Kurt came around to that way of seeing it.
Eh. It would have been nice to see the others come round to a little understanding of his perspective too. I was really struck when Emma was arguing with Sue "it's the only thing anyone is doing to comfort him and you're trying to stop it." Hello? Kurt made it pretty damn clear that it
a comfort to him and in fact made things harder. But Kurt's the one who gets to apologize for being caught up in himself?
I did think the Mercedes-Kurt part ended on a better note. But all in all I found it pretty aggravating.
Kurt's number was stunning, and Rachel's was pretty amazing too. I didn't love the others.
What did Creed say after, "Be cool, Michael?.."
I was really struck when Emma was arguing with Sue "it's the only thing anyone is doing to comfort him and you're trying to stop it." Hello? Kurt made it pretty damn clear that it wasn't a comfort to him and in fact made things harder. But Kurt's the one who gets to apologize for being caught up in himself?
This bugged me a lot, too, even coming from the opposite direction--I do think that prayer matters, and I pray for all kinds of things and all sorts of people, but I also try to pay attention to what the people actually tell me about themselves. If someone has been as clear as Kurt about not believing, not wanting to hear about it, and feeling alienated and despised by the PTB of organized religion, I can't think of any possible way to say "I'm praying for you" that won't come across as hostile or challenging or, at best, all about me and my niceness instead of the person who's in distress.
And the song/prayer session around Burt's hospital bed? Way out of bounds. Even if Kurt hadn't walked in on it, there's no way he wouldn't have found out. Intrusive, unkind, totally thoughtless. If you truly believe that prayer matters, it shouldn't matter where you do it--if Rachel really wanted to pray for Burt instead of revel in the drama of praying for him, she could've done it somewhere else, anywhere else, where Kurt wouldn't have to walk in on what must have felt like an assault on his dad.