Personally, I don't have a problem with anybody's stance on these issues in this discussion. So, I'm sorry it's been uncomfortable for anybody, or that anybody feels piled on. But for me, it's just an interesting topic and a variety of opinions on it are welcome.
I don't think there is a set stance or response to this issue, at all. Nor is there some sort of governing precedent. But it's worth discussing.
I wasn't really up for a Britney Spears episode but when I watched in on Hulu I was enjoying the skimpy outfits and the gyrations. Then Rachel showed up in her tiny schoolgirl outift I found myself wondering why she didn't seem sexy to me. I didn't think about her weight at all (at the time), I wondered if it was her dancing and if they asked Lea to play down her sexuality on purpose.
I'm also finding it interesting to note that when I watched the season premiere of Chuck, the first time I saw Joshua Gomez I said, "wow, he does not look healthy." Then I realized it was the blue lighting.
I wonder if some of us are watching for ways the actors we love to watch may have changed during the hiatus.
I found myself wondering why she didn't seem sexy to me. I didn't think about her weight at all (at the time), I wondered if it was her dancing and if they asked Lea to play down her sexuality on purpose.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they had asked her to play down her sexuality, but that doesn't mean that she can dance. Even her side to side movement was stilted and jerky.
Heather Morris (Brittany), on the other hand, has moves. Or at least that is how CJ described her.
Heather Morris (Brittany), on the other hand, has moves.
I'm getting more and more impressed with how she plays the character. It takes brains to play a character that dumb!
Heather Morris (Brittany), on the other hand, has moves.
Well, she was a backup dancer on Beyonce's tour for a while.
Heather Morris (Brittany), on the other hand, has moves.
Yeah, she was originally brought in to teach the boys the Single Ladies dance, but once they found out that she could sing, they cast her.
I remember reading she was a back-up dancer, but I couldn't remember for who. As we watched the episode, I was ready to say she danced behind Britney.
Still don't like the way they pulled in the musical numbers. Plot first, people, music next.
Plot first, people, music next.
Are we watching the same show? I couldn't enjoy Glee until I banished these thoughts from my head. Ahh... maybe because I already did that midway through season 1, I'm not noticing that season 2 has gone downhill. For me, Glee is musical porn. This week, quite literally.