I dunno, -t, I'm pretty much with you. I was so excited to watch Louis because CK's "Everything is great, but nobody's happy" routine on Letterman stole my heart.
I watched the episode...maybe it was the pilot...where his daughter's field trip bus breaks down. I didn't laugh at all. It was just so unrelentingly cynical. Granted, that may be what is funny to those with a better developed sense of humor than mine, but it just made me sad.
you have to watch the ep where he goes to Alabama (I think). The first half of the episode had me dying. The second half is definitely WTF.
Oh, the plane trip was fantastic!
Every episode I get to the end and think "wait, what? That's the end?" which makes me think I don't have the hang of it.
the thing I really really like about the show (and this is not unrelated to the last half of that episode) is that Louis doesn't seem to be homophobic. After seeing so much comedy based on homophobia, I actually am pretty pleased with this.
He was kind of a dick in his Fresh Air interview, which I tend to pay more attention to. Although, I have to wonder how much is a persona for the media.
That show is pretty great. I can't believe how good his standup is.
I was sold on him as a person a while ago when I saw the white male privelige bit on YouTube.
I tried watching his HBO series after hearing some of his standup, but I couldn't stick with it. It was actually his role on Parks and Rec that made me check out the new show.
Anyone here watch webseries like The Guild or Legend of Neil?
Newest Guild ep just launched tonight. I'm feeling much like I did last season - it feels like a slow start. But if it goes like last season does, I'll feel much better about it all as time goes on. In the meantime, the new B'wood-esque music video "Game On" tides me over. Boy, I wish I had enough friends who liked to do stuff like that. I have music/dance videos I wanna do!