Anyone here watch webseries like The Guild or Legend of Neil?
Newest Guild ep just launched tonight. I'm feeling much like I did last season - it feels like a slow start. But if it goes like last season does, I'll feel much better about it all as time goes on. In the meantime, the new B'wood-esque music video "Game On" tides me over. Boy, I wish I had enough friends who liked to do stuff like that. I have music/dance videos I wanna do!
I think I know someone who acted on the Guild from the internets, but that is literally everything I know.
We just caught up through the end of season 3 of the Guild courtesy of Netflix.
I first heard of it when Dr. Horrible came out but held off on it for months because I don't game and I didn't think I'd "get" it if I didn't game. I was wrong. So I got into about when S2 started. Love it. The great thing is that I've gotten my dad into it. My dad barely does Internet well, much less game. But he finds The Guild pretty funny. He's watched Legend of Neil as well but I don't think that one caught fire as much with him.
Legend of Neil
definitely has less mainstream appeal, but it's gotten really funny. The second episode of this season is great.
I wonder if it's because Legend of Neil is such a *guy* humor thing? Not that I don't think it's funny...
It does have a lot of that, but it also has a lot more targeted, Zelda-related humor, whereas
The Guild
is much more about a diverse group of wacky characters that most anyone can relate to even if they don't game. It's more accessible.
I guess so. I've never played Zelda. I wasn't even aware of its existence until Legend of Neil. I'm sure there must be a layer of game humor I'm missing, but there's plenty of stuff that's just funny no matter what your background.