Well. I guess it's more about my own self-respect than anything else. I mean, you look at everything I did before I was 22, and you'd see a kid who could've been just about anything with the possible exception of an engineer or a mathematician. And what am I now? Operations Manager for a small department at a hospital. My collegiate peers are doctors and lawyers and professors and successful entrepreneurs and the like. Sure, I'm writing, but until I actually sell a book, what does that prove? For all anyone, myself included, knows, I'm a terrible writer. Of all the things I thought I would accomplish when I was 18 and leaving my hometown, the only one I've succeeded at is leaving my hometown for good.
And yes, I know this isn't the way I should be thinking, but it's really hard to unwrite this particular mental script.
I graduated from college at 19. I should be some kinda super-genius full professor or something, right?
Which is to say, I totally know how you feel. Every time I hear about someone from my graduating class, I compare myself to them and inevitably feel like I've fallen short (I'm not advanced in my career, I don't have kids, I haven't traveled the world). And I too know better. I totally feel ya.
I comfort myself with the thought that when I come to write my memoirs, it will all come together. Er, somehow. Why would anyone read my memoirs, you say? Shut up, I say.
So, I had a meeting about the demon holiday music today and it sounds like it might well be leading to even more work if things go well.
I don't talk to anyone I went to college with. I find that works well.
Oooh, more EEEEVIL work, Drew?
I am mostly OK with where I am professionally, but then I never had big ambition to be fancy schmancy. OTOH, knowing that most of my peers are married and having kids freaks me right out and leads me down a "OMG unless I meet someone NOW and love them and get married soon and have kids I WILL BE OLD AND ALONE AND EATEN BY CATS". Which is clearly stupid. But.
I had a meeting about the demon holiday music today
I love that I have a friend who is able to say things like this, in a work-related context, on a regular basis.
I'm going to be alone and eaten by cats without ever fulfilling my potential.
Clearly I need to get more cats if I want to aspire to the "alone and eaten by cats" thing....
I figure I'm fulfilling my potential internally. Fulfilling the heck out of it. You can't see it, but it's totally fulfilled.
Because of all the thinking I'm doing, you see.
I'm going to be alone and eaten by cats without ever fulfilling my potential.
I think my only potential is to be eaten by cats, but they'll shun me as a source of protein, thus plunging me into eternal unfulfillment.