Ginger, I hope you and your mummy arm are doing better today. That just sucks.
Erin, do you teach in public schools? Monday is Columbus Day, so you may already have the day off (I do!).
Dear Universe,
You are on The List! Step off and quit using the Miracleborns as your personal litter box.
In further adventures of the mummy hand, I had forgotten one of the annoying effects. I can't get my right hand to my mouth.
I can't get my right hand to my mouth.
Clearly you need a tiny little trebuchet attached to your right hand to fling grapes up into your mouth.
I can't get my right hand to my mouth.
As long as it doesn't know what your left hand is doing.
Ginger, I'm sorry about the mummy hand. That sounds so uncomfortable.
Sorry to hear that, Aims. It sounds like somebody else fucked up in the hiring, and Joe gets to burn for it.
ION, can I say how much I loathe loathe loathe those stupid stick-figure family stickers with the names that people put on the back of their SUVs?
'Cuz guess what? Now I know the names, number and gender of all of your children. And many times, I also know your names and the name of your cat and/or dog. And I can probably find where you live from your license plate number.
"Hi, Tina. I'm a friend of your mom, Kathleen, and she sent me to pick you up from school because she had to take Fluffy to the vet. Get in the car and we'll go pick up your brothers, Tommy and Billy."
I thought the same thing the first time I saw one of those, Sean.
Yeah, Sean, now ya got me all creeped out.
Ugh, Laga. I wish peace for your family.
{{{{Miracleborns}}}}} Great new job~ma for Joe.
I thought the same thing the first time I saw one of those, Sean.
Same here. I still can't believe that those things have caught on.