Context for people not in Natter - we were discussing this old gem of Rudy's today:
"Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."
"You can take away my binkie, but you'l never take ... my FREEEEEDDDDOOOOOMMMM!!!"
Birthday dinner was most excellent. Grilled salmon with a lobster dill sauce, mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli. Follwed up by a vanilla soft-serve cone dipped in cherry. Mmmmmmmm
this old gem of Rudy's
Why, how very 1984 of him.
Heh. Scary batch of presidential candidates the GOP is fielding, I must say.
Re-cloaking because I keep getting booted off the modem. I've been spoiled by the cable modem. But I miss Seattle weather even more than I miss my high-speed mostly-reliable net connection. It's been above 100 every day we've been here....
She flung herself against me, crying, "No! No! My freedom! My FREEEEDOMMMM!"
Heh. Annabel just made me laugh while drinking water. My newly washed nasal cavity thanks her.
She flung herself against me, crying, "No! No! My freedom! My FREEEEDOMMMM!"
That's hysterical!
I took 3 tylenol and put on some aloe vera gel (that I had forgotten I had until d mentioned it). It still hurts, but not so bad that it makes me want to cry. I'll see if I can find a bandage big enough for it. I think I have some gauze and medical tape.
ChiKat, just keeping it in a bowl of cool water helps a lot. The moist burn pads [link] while pricey, are magic. Really. When I spilled the boiling water on my foot a few years ago, I went through pretty much every remedy known to man. There are also burn sprays with benzocaine in them that will numb it up for a while.
I may has passport soon! My check got cashed!
Also, latest update is dad's getting a little more feeling in his right arm. This is very encouraging. Should know more tomorrow after mom reports on MRI.
The moist burn pads
I think I'm going to look for these at Walgreens tomorrow. Thanks for the tip, Ginger!
I'm the last person to be saying this, but your vet should be able to show you how to do sub-Q fluids. It's definitely a two-person job, and three is ideal.
It really depends on the cat. My cat, whom I thought would kick the shit out of me for trying something like this, lets me do it alone. It's not a problem. ~ma for your kitty.