I think it would be quite an imposition for invisible friends from the Internet to take advantage of Jars' DH's discount. IMO.
O yes completely agree. Hence the tongue-in-cheek :: puppy dog eyes :: bit. (things sound joke-y in brain, don't translate well after).
Sorry. Didn't mean to come off so icky.
So, is anything good on tv tonight?
Oh! Tonight is Reaper! That's one I wanted to watch and missed it last week. I wonder if it's up on CW's website so I could catch up...
(things sound joke-y in brain, don't translate well after).
this. omnis is me.
Uh, I can sometimes often be humorless. My bad. Sorry; I wasn't trying to thread-nanny.
t slinks away for a refresher course on this "hu-mor" thing....
Bummer. No full episode on the CW's website or iTunes. I'm all sad now.
must. not. kill. coworkers.
Oh I don't know, Laga. I know my workday improves after a little carnage.
I also vote that Laga killing her coworkers would enliven my day. Do it!