Attila? Really? That's unfortunate.
So you know what's annoying? When the school's email and electronic grading access are completely down the morning that progress reports are due. I'm really glad I finished mine yesterday; otherwise, I would not be a happy camper right now.
So today is my "light" teaching day--I only teach three classes--and I should really be taking this time to find student samples from the first writing assignment to use for a writing lesson. I'm going to get right on that.
Now I'm thinking Attila Ghengis Hitler would be a bad name.
I hab ad awful code. which attacked me in something like 15 minutes -from healthy to dyink. am going back to bed. dis stiks.
P.S. Having a classroom in the foreign language wing is annoying as hell. You know how irritating those recorded language tapes were, the ones that would say a phrase and BEEP and then ask the class to repeat? Yeah. I'm hearing those in French, Spanish, and Chinese ALL THE TIME.
Also, chanting. Learning a language apparently requires excessive amounts of chanting.
Bye-by tooth ~ma, Ginger!
Feel better, Sox.
Attila is an unfortunate name. Maybe there's a nickname of which we're not aware that he can use?
Kristin, I think they're trying to brainwash you! They're probably all chanting, "Give us As, give us As."
I got to sleep at 4:30 am.
I stayed up to work on my computer (still dead) until 1. Then, naturally, Mallory woke up at 1:30 and didn't get back to sleep until 4:15. That would be because Robert just mentioned how Mal had been sleeping really well.
Raq, do you have a Lifetime Fitness anywhere nearby?
No, alas. But the thing is jiujitsu. I could work out at the Y, or take yoga or pilates, and get the childcare. Just not jiujitsu.
Ah well. It would probably be too expensive anyway.
Current stress and First World Problem: Halloween Party. I want to have one, but don't know what to do with the kid situation. If I say no kids, anly like 15 people will show, and I'll have to find a sitter for Mal. If I say kids OK, it becomes difficult to have the adult part of the party. I'd like to have a kids party in the basement, but I don't want to chaperone...but some moms would, but I don't know how to ask them.
And it occurred to me ... wouldn't it be sad if someone had to miss the Folsom Street Fair because they were literally tied up?
That would be the working definition of irony.
And, crap -- Todd, I totally spaced and forgot to e-mail you back! Check your e-mail shortly.
Steph, I'll check - I figured you got involved in something (or, you know, were ignoring me).
I kind of like Attila. If the parents caught the History Channel miniseries, they may have decided he wasn't a bad guy.
Maybe there's a nickname of which we're not aware that he can use?
No, I think he's stuck with the Hun, the Scourge of God or leader of the Scythian hordes. Attila did die in bed on his wedding night, but it was probably because of excessive alcohol rather than connubial bliss.