Maybe there's a nickname of which we're not aware that he can use?
No, I think he's stuck with the Hun, the Scourge of God or leader of the Scythian hordes. Attila did die in bed on his wedding night, but it was probably because of excessive alcohol rather than connubial bliss.
Scourge of God is a good nickname. I'd be happy to have that as a nickname.
Raq, what about getting a sitter or two for the basement?
Many sympathies, Anne and family.
Growing up, a friend of mine's dad was named Ghengis. He was from Turkey and my friend always said it was perfectly reasonable name there.
Now I'm picturing poor Attila being taunted on the schoolyard: "Hey Attila - where are your Scythian hordes?"
"Hey Attila - where are your Scythian hordes?"
Heh. Then, a quick whistle, and a grin: "Right behind you, asshole."
edit: OK, so I overidentify with the Scythians. Cool folks.
Ugh, my Fall classes start today. 1. I am not ready for school so soon after the hell that was summer school. 2. Person I really don't like started this quarter (hi, stalker!) and is in my class today. Again I say UGH.
Huh. Apparently the Scythians gave rise to a race of garden gnomes: [link]
I seem to have an advisory of especially angst-ridden freshmen. I have been fielding anxious emails and phone calls from parents (not to mention that 7:45 a.m. meeting last week) since school started. I want to help; I'm glad to help. But I'm also finding the time drain really difficult. I really hope that this is all normal adolescent girl stuff; several parents are worried about serious depression. Sigh.