So. Humans cannot fight glorious battles. The very phrase transforms them into Klingons.
Pretty much. Next stop on the train will be blood wine and commenting on what a lovely day to die it is.
Two from BSG and, I think that was Badger from Firefly in prison.
Also from BSG. Heh.
The part was well written and played by a wonderful actor. Seeing a Joss-related actor doing well elsewhere always makes me very happy.
And I'm off to bed.
Seeing a Joss-related actor doing well elsewhere always makes me very happy.
And a reasonably nice human. Mark Sheppard came out unpaid to Flan B (as did others, let it be said). When asked why, his reply was, "Where else would I be?" That's certainly a vote for him as Good People in my book.
Bonjour Bitches! Beaucoup de vin et fromage for you. Or for me, anyway!
I have safely arrived in France, and have caught up on hundreds of messages.
Happy First Birthday to Matilda, Congratulations to sj and TCG on their engagement, Congratulations school peeps on your fantastic grades, and good luck to P-C on surviving mom visit discussion and omins for annoying management decisions.
Now, does the hivemind know of a good way to get shampoo smell off books? It seems I was overly stupid and didn't put shampoo in a special bag and now it is everywhere.
I love that I can be productive in the morning, but it's only 7:00 a.m., and I've completed the following:
- Made to do list
* Printed out readings for class
* Read one of the two readings
* Created sign-up sheet for tutoring next week
* Walked Toto
* Did dishes
* Took out trash
* Written 5 e-mails
* Wrote note to professor about sign-up sheet
* Wrote 3-page tutoring log
* Checked all my online haunts
* Requested 2 books via ILL
* Packed bag for the day
Can I take a nap now?
Good Lord woman. You've taken all the morning from everyone else and used it all up. By seven this morning I had achieved... sleep? Does that count?
A little, yes. But in a constructive manner, which is at least the good kind of crazy.
I don't know where this morning productivity is coming from. I think it's partially that I know that when I get home I have no energy, so if I'm going to get *anything* done, it needs to be in the morning, but geez. I'm really on a roll today.
And, with that, I must shower and get ready for the day.
I just got an email from a woman selling a sit & stand stroller for $25! That's so cheap and it's mine to pick up. I'll need to arrange for that pick up and figure out what's the best time to take the kids to the gym.
DH leaves this afternoon for central Wisconsin for a job interview tomorrow. The job would be a 50% pay increase and a cost of living decrease but it's in a much smaller town so I'm a little ambivalent about whether I want him to get the job.
Of course, this means two days on my own with the Toddler Squad.
Seeing a Joss-related actor doing well elsewhere always makes me very happy.
Which reminds me, I watched
the other night (with Adam Baldwin) and it was really good.