Brussel sprouts are yummy. I am having trouble imagining the taste of megan's dish with my mind's tongue, as it were. I may ehav eto give it a try. Adding cream to stuff does not come naturally to me.
So glad y'all enjoyed the show!
{{P-C}} I'm sorry you feel bad about your relationship with your mother. It occurs to me that you have a good job with health benefits - maybe a therapist could help you find a way to deal with her that improves the situation?
First thing I did today was try to talk to DH's company's HR dept about what I thought would be a simple question. That was extremely stupid. I'm now ridiculously frustrated, no more informed, and more trhan half convinced that attempting anything else will be equally fruitless. Nonetheless, I will steel myself and set forth and my quest to do some laundry. At least that has a pretty predictable outcome.
Brussel sprouts are yummy. I am having trouble imagining the taste of megan's dish with my mind's tongue, as it were. I may ehav eto give it a try. Adding cream to stuff does not come naturally to me.
Hmmm.... a potential side dish for the next game night maybe?
With -t on Brussel sprouts. They are yummy, bacon is yummy, adding, adding cream to stuff does not come naturally to me.
a potential side dish for the next game night maybe?
That would certainly solve the potential problem of me getting distracted and burning everything and still not knowing what it's supposed to taste like. Not that I do that every time I try a new recipe. Under 50% of the time, probably.
Eta: Gar, with our tastes that much in sync we should have a meal together sometime. How do you feel about eggplant?
I wonder if they make bacon-flavored sausage. And if so, where they've been hiding it.
We have it in this area. [link]
in links or in a 1 pound roll.
PC I think you did your best communicating with your Mom, you aren't a bad son.
I'll have to try BaconSalt since it's veg! I made some turnip greens last night (from frozen) and it needed something smoky and salty, I think BaconSalt is just the thing.
All she wants to do is be a good mommy and come take care of me, and I know it would be bad for both of us because of how uncomfortable and defensive we can get around each other.
This is still my relationship with my mother, which is why I spent a lot of time talking her out of visiting during the whole cancer treatment/surgery business. She was very hurt, but sometimes you just have draw a line. I figured I could deal with surgery or with my mother, but not both. I also have cousins here in town who were very upset that I didn't let them do anything. They drive me crazy when I'm well. I figured that being sick had to have some percs.
I've also made a recipe in which you run the Brussels sprouts through the slicing blade on the food processer, which makes a fluffy pile of tiny cabbage leaves that cook more evenly.
In interrupt this lovely conversation on brussel sprouts to remind you all that Nora is just about the best lunch date ever.
Also, a small bitch:
If you sign up for a 3:30 tutoring session, do not e-mail me and tell me you signed up for a 2:30 tutoring session. I have the sheet in front of me. It tells no lies.
Also. Why would you sign up for a 2:30 tutoring session if your class goes until 2:45?
And, I'm off to meet my 2:30 appointment :).
Why am I at work when no one else is? I'd totally leave and "work at home" for the afternoon, but they might be delivering my new iPod today. Arrgghhh.