I vote hilarious.
Another example of the unknowingly loaded question came on a first date browsing a bookstore..."So. What's your favorite section?" Beeline to...the three or four books on anal sex!
Sometimes being the one who is known for a mind as open as the great outdoors just makes me sigh.
If anyone is still wondering if Middle America can be shocked by what is considered run of the mill here, your answer is yes. I've had to explain certain references to friends of mine, and they've frequently been horrified/disbelieving/certain I'm making up some weird explanation because I don't know what the real meaning is. Then they ask me, with very uneasy looks on their face, how I know these things. I blame my internet friends.
As sad as it may seem, Utah reflects a lot of the mental landscape that characterizes Middle America.
"Oh," he said dreamily, "I was just thinking about how much I'd like to have anal sex with you."
I have an ex-somethingorother who would say that, but he'd be going for the laugh.
ETA: Also, thanks for the well wishes for L. I'll tell her the vampire people have her back.
In memememe news, saw my hematologist today. Back to the IV Iron but with added testing to figure out the other stuff. I have a brain MRI and bone scan on Friday and a bunch of additional blood tests. No answers, just trying to get more information. Fun. Not.
Ugh. Good thing I get to hug you in person soon!
Loved catching up. Unsurprisingly, I have nothing to add to the conversation, so I’m gonna go transcribe interviews now.
woo hoo! old computer is running in new location (lil itty bitty theater that doesn't want money thrown at it) running new OS and software. And for that, I got to miss this titillating conversation. Part of me wants to dive in, but alas, I really don't have anything to add.
:: sits next to VW and shares popcorn ::
o wait! I wonder if that tear-in-eye->whatAreYouThinking->AnalSex situation was something contrived in Hustler or some such mag for guys to get some back door action. Adding to the "I'm a sensitive 90's kind of guy that just wants to be held.... (and fuck you up the ass)"
There's popcorn?
Not anymore.
:: offers some raisins. "nature's candy" ::
Thanks, vw. No way can brain scans compete with kink. I'd happily trade anytime.
I took an accidental nap this afternoon. Now I'm feeling all sluggy...more than usual, at least.
Nothing like coming home to sex talk! Y'all have been busy today. I have nothing to add, really. Just smiling at the porn over here.
sure, I finally get some bored time infront of the internet, and the sex talk is done! Y'all must be commuting home now or something.
: pouts :