woo hoo! old computer is running in new location (lil itty bitty theater that doesn't want money thrown at it) running new OS and software. And for that, I got to miss this titillating conversation. Part of me wants to dive in, but alas, I really don't have anything to add.
:: sits next to VW and shares popcorn ::
o wait! I wonder if that tear-in-eye->whatAreYouThinking->AnalSex situation was something contrived in Hustler or some such mag for guys to get some back door action. Adding to the "I'm a sensitive 90's kind of guy that just wants to be held.... (and fuck you up the ass)"
There's popcorn?
Not anymore.
:: offers some raisins. "nature's candy" ::
Thanks, vw. No way can brain scans compete with kink. I'd happily trade anytime.
I took an accidental nap this afternoon. Now I'm feeling all sluggy...more than usual, at least.
Nothing like coming home to sex talk! Y'all have been busy today. I have nothing to add, really. Just smiling at the porn over here.
sure, I finally get some bored time infront of the internet, and the sex talk is done! Y'all must be commuting home now or something.
: pouts :
Just to make omnis happy:
Why is it so hard for people (meaning my coworkers) to grasp that if they are going to FSF, they need to dress appropriately?? It's a leather fair, peeps - at least dress like you've heard of fisting! Relatedly, look at the fair guide - the cover is made of win. (Link NSFW, also parodies The Last Supper)
wait! Fisting counts as kink? SWEET! I'm not as super vanilla as I thought I was! (maybe french vanilla with those lil specs of flavor in it)
I have 30 mini-essays to read and comment on tonight. I really just want to go to sleep.
Kristin! My sistah!
I have GOT to get this transcription done, and I am just zonked.