Wow, so, there was a time when bitches was super kinky? Man, I came into too late. Tho today's talk has been fun :)
I'm vanilla, more from lack of opportunity than anything. Not to say ND hasn't made me blush or stand there mouth a-gape thinking "did he just say wha???" ;)
I bet a bunch of you pervy types are secretly closet celebates who subscribe to Self-Denial Now and who practice cold showers every morning while contemplating the purity of nothingness.
Closet celibates? No. More like accidental celibate. Ick on the cold shower. Blah!
He is in a private room now, out of the ICU. He is depressed and pissy, but physically doing pretty well. There hasn't been any fallout after the surgery, which was the big concern. We are going over there tonight after work to see him. Thanks for asking :)
good to hear. Let us know if there is anything you need help with. I think I'm down the freeway from ya. {{continued ~ma}}
I might mention that if they wanted the slave to do the dishes, that would be okay with me.
HAH! This is why I love Vortex.
Closet celibates? No. More like accidental celibate.
Yeah, if anyone else were in my closet right now I'd surely be fucking him.
I might mention that if they wanted the slave to do the dishes, that would be okay with me.
omg, that made me truly LOL. bad. I'm not here. I'm setting up a sound system in a room with no internet connection.
I think the better analogy with lesbian would be to welcome the partner/slave to family gatherings. However, the family really doesn't need to see the sex toys, regardless of what they are.
Edit: JZ, I think we're agreeing. At least to the extent of separating the fact of the relationship from the gory details. Again, not an expert on such things, but I assume there are more subtle ways for the slave to be submissive in public.
Though I'd have less sympathy for the family if slave had gone in "civvies" as an ordinary guest. (Or are such things not done in the master-slave world? I'm no expert.)
Being kinky is never an excuse for poor manners. And so if one's family/friends/co-workers either don't know about your kink, or don't want to be exposed to it, OR if you prefer to keep it on the QT around family and co-workers and vanilla friends, then everybody wears civvies, and it's all good.
I do know some female slaves whose "collars" are really beautiful metal necklaces, so they can wear them with anything, in any situation, and it just looks like jewellry.
You know what? I am totally in lecture/overshare mode today, and I really didn't mean to be.
Apologies to anyone who's been cringing at this conversation but has been too polite to tell me to shut the hell up.
The lack of FSF this year and the talk of kink makes me want to go back and look at my "essay" on the fair from last year and update it to reflect my changing feelings on things. Although, apart from a better understanding of pony play, the only thing that has changed is the number of "marital aids" that I own has doubled.