he was carrying a how-to book considered the 'bible'
The fact that he can talk to you about it, AND the fact that he's clearly educating himself (the how-to book), is awesome. Some things are too oogy to talk about with parents, frankly. At least, that's *my* feeling. They don't need to know about my sex life and related extracurriculars.
(Although apparently I feel that all y'all *do*....)
Except for the piercing play. Although I'd probably try it.
Tangentially - at the Folsom Street Fair last year, there were some AWESOME Morris Dancers (v. non-traditional, with women and vinyl clothing and just awesomery). Some of them had threaded their bells on to fishing line and treaded THAT through the skin on their arms - one bell to a piercing. It looked so bloody cool.
For instance, when my mom and stepdad went to Vermont to visit my brother a couple of years ago, Trudy and megan walker happened to also be in Vermont, and so I had pointed Trudy and megan towards my bro's restaurant, and my mom and stepdad hung out with them.
God, that seems like a lifetime ago. But I do remember it was very fun.
Some of them had threaded their bells on to fishing line and treaded THAT through the skin on their arms - one bell to a piercing.
Hmmm. On the other hand, maybe I *wouldn't* try it.
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool. I think I'd try *that.*
From 2005 - White Rats dancers at rest, and performing.
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool. I think I'd try *that.*
I always want to try it, and then I remember that I scar like crazy. So NSM. Well, and now there's a gigantor tattoo in the way, but still.
The fact that he can talk to you about it, AND the fact that he's clearly educating himself (the how-to book), is awesome.
It really is.
I'm so proud of him for turning his repressed background into healthy expression. And, right out of the box, no pun intended...he found a seemingly great, thoughtful, kind playmate. If she breaks his heart I will, of course, have to go all 'splodey on her narrow behind, but for now I'm grateful for what he is learning and how.
Daisy Jane, sounds like a keeper to me.
If your sister doesn't want him, ship him here.
Although the "corset" play piercings look SO cool.
Yes, but...but. All I can see is the redness and the owey and the potential for infection...and snagging on things...
t /nobody's mom
I'm still bitter that I'm not getting on a plane on Friday. Damn university president inviting me to a meeting on Monday!!