Nowadays even anal sex is moving more mainstream.
I remember reading a magazine article a few years ago about how religious teens were having anal sex because it allowed the girl to remain a virgin. I recall Bill Maher saying something like "If I knew I could have porn star sex by becoming religious, I would have been in the front pew every week"
Is it possible that what was once "kinky" is now almost mainstream? Discuss.
I think "kink" has more to do with the frame of mind of the do-er than of the act its self.
If french kissing or tickling is forbidden in your mind for whatever societal or personal reason and you get off on that forbiddenness you've hit the realm of kink.
Presumably, someone sans baggage could do anything at all without it being kinky.
I remember reading a magazine article a few years ago about how religious teens were having anal sex because it allowed the girl to remain a virgin.
When I was in college in the late eighties we called them "Roman Virgins". Of course, I never actually
any and I wonder if it is a bit mythical. Surely SOMEONE has done it... but I would be surprised if it were widespread.
I think "kink" has more to do with the frame of mind of the do-er than of the act its self.
Girls in bikinis on the covers of magazines make the locals of Utah uptight and anxious. Which, I suppose, makes Utah one of the kinkiest places in the nation.
Someone should start a rumor about religious teens engaging in titty-fucking so the girl could remain an anal virgin. There could be a slogan: "I'm saving my ass for my wedding night."
religious teens were having anal sex because it allowed the girl to remain a virgin.
When I was in college in the late eighties we called them "Roman Virgins"
Yup. We would talk about girls who "gave up it up Catholic Style".
I think "kink" has more to do with the frame of mind of the do-er than of the act its self.
I would agree with this like, a billion.
We would talk about girls who "gave up it up Catholic Style".
I am always amazed at how little I talked about the details of sex with people in college. Yeah, I talked about who was doing it with whom, but the only time details were ever mentioned was when someone had a copy of "Joy of Sex" and said, "I'm so boring!"
We would talk about girls who "gave up it up Catholic Style".
I never heard this, and I went to a Catholic College in 1991! Everyone seemed to have forgotten the "stay a virgin until married" part at that time, though.
My friends and I did snicker over the various "Oh, it didn't count, we didn't do it in a bed" justifications we'd hear girls use. Mostly, I was just disgusted every Saturday morning hearing the party-goes going around to their friends saying, "Do you know who I shacked up with last night? The guy I woke up next to isn't the one I was expecting."
edit: AIDS wasn't known in my small town then, the big things to avoid were generic VD and pregnancy. One of my roommates went through high drama every month, because she thought birth control was immoral, but sleeping with strangers was cool.
Not to interrupt the kink talk (heavens forfend!), but today was a very buffista Teri Gross. Reaper and Tegan and Sara.