All y'all know that was just a front, right?
I was never sure how much you knew, and how much you allowed. It could have been you thought you were vanilla, because you needed it to be that way, and you had a tight clamp on even your desired proclivities. Or you could have been lying.
I prefer to think of it as obfuscating. Heh.
I definitely never thought I was vanilla; it was more that I never expected to actually go from merely thinking about it (and, okay, reading about it [thank you, Amazon]) to actually *doing* it. And that had a lot less to do with the fact that it was kink and had MUCH more to do with the fact that for a very long time, I had boatloads of Good Catholic Guilt(TM) about being sexual in ANY way.
eta: If you read the above post and take any offense, that's totally not what I meant! I'm just having phraseology problems this AM.
Not one tiny bit of offense taken.
See, this is what I get for believing people. I've been fondly imagining the liberation of Miss Teppy all this time, only to find out she didn't need liberating.
Well, if it helps, there *was* liberation in the sense of actually getting past my scaredy-cat-ness to stop reading about it and actually *do* it. As well as the liberation of being able to own it and talk about it with all y'all.
I bet a bunch of you pervy types are secretly closet celebates who subscribe to Self-Denial Now and who practice cold showers every morning while contemplating the purity of nothingness.
Damn. You found me out! I thought I was hiding it so well!
Have them put a note in the file so that people looking at the report will know that it's an issue that's had to be resolved before, and just keep fixing it everytime it pops up.
Gah. Still having the issue of they won't let me dispute it until I have a report in my hands, and they won't send me a report except through the mail. And they will only send it somewhere I have proof of currently living. But my next month will be in a sublet (no utility bills, no lease) and if I can't GET an apartment after that (or if this fucking sublet falls through)...The Catch-22-ness of it all is driving me up a wall.
They claim that I have to deal with the creditor who is reporting this info to them. But then they won't tell me WHICH creditor is telling them I'm 77!
meara, you should be able to get a report and file disputes/add corrections online. You may not be able to do it for free, but I think it's probably worth the $14.95 or whatever.
Because her DOB is off, they probably won't let her do it online because they can't verify.
Aw. You know you've been in Bitches for a while when you can remember back when Teppy really was vanilla. I mean, VERY vanilla! French vanilla, even - we had whole conversations about the sheer lack of kink.
Um. All y'all know that was just a front, right? I mean, yes, back when I claimed to be vanilla, I wasn't engaging in kinky activities at that time, but I've always, *always* been kink-inclined. And just like a gay person who is single doesn't stop being gay, just because I wasn't actively engaged in kinky activity doesn't mean I was vanilla.
heh. I suspected she was kinky, but just like the gay people you KNOW are gay, you have to let them come to it/out to you in their own time. I assume straight unless told otherwise, and vanilla unless I see the whip in your closet.
I deal with them a lot and the answer is...exactly what Kristin said. Have them put a note in the file so that people looking at the report will know that it's an issue that's had to be resolved before, and just keep fixing it everytime it pops up.
yeah, I had a pain in the ass issue with my credit report when I was trying to get my mortgage. I was an authorized user on my dad's credit card for several years. I cancelled that permission two years ago, when I got preapproved. It KEPT appearing on my credit report. I had to say things like "the account was opened in 1977, do you think they'd give a credit card to a five year old?"
And in another bit of board synchronicity, I just got locked out of one of my bank accounts because they asked those confirm your identity question and threw one in there from a person in Detroit who used my SS to get phone service some ten years ago. Feh.
All y'all know that was just a front, right?
Heh. I was completely fooled, and took comfort in the idea that I wasn't the only vanilla Bitch! And I really am mostly vanilla, unless "wishes husband could be made to take an interest in re-enacting so I could play out some of the scenarios I like to write or at least have more interesting clothes to take off" qualifies as a kink.
Avatar question: Where is Uncle? I know the guy that voiced him died, but I'm hoping the character isn't gone, too!
GC, he's not gone. They found a pretty good replacement; you can hear him in the little shorts.
And I really am mostly vanilla, unless "wishes husband could be made to take an interest in re-enacting so I could play out some of the scenarios I like to write or at least have more interesting clothes to take off" qualifies as a kink.
I'm gonna say if it gives you an illicit thrill, it's a kink. Probably not the technical definition, but one I think everyone can enjoy.
meara, I'm so very sorry you're having to deal with the credit agencies. They are teh suck, and I have seen them reduce the most financial savvy and collected people to oceans of tears and rending of garments.
You may be able to get your bank to get you a copy. BofA gives me mine on request (though it does sometimes cost).
Actually, it makes me wonder what really is kinky anymore. I mean, it certainly is possible that my perception is skewed based on my friends and acquaintances, but it seems to me that kink is pretty prevalent I mean, you can order floggers in a storefront, and find a kink club in every town. Is it possible that what was once "kinky" is now almost mainstream? Discuss.