Can I mention how much I hate the automated voices on customer service lines, that try to figure out what you want?
Those drive me crazy. Worst are the ones that try to sound like "normal" human speech. Dude, I know you're a recording. Adding "Okay" to the beginning of every sentence? Not fooling anyone!
freaky faux-human robot voices. Ugh.
I just keep pressing "0" until I talk to a person. I refuse to interact with them at all.
Adding "Okay" to the beginning of every sentence? Not fooling anyone!
The Okay drives me batshit! "Okay, so you want to travel eastbound!"
Also, is today a particularly Mondayish Monday for anyone else?
oh lord yes.
I just sent an email asking the woman who works with me to not leave me at the end of a long whisper-down-the-lane session trying to cobble together a plan for what's needed. She hasn't been there long enough to know when to get me on the phone, when to set up a meeting, or whatever, and she is just trying to take things in hand and ends up promising Stuff to People that I then feel like I need to do, even if it's not logical. It doesn't help that I'm now in a different city, of course.
My fault - I'm not there (I've been working offsite for a all 8 years I've worked fulltime here); and one of my bosses, who in most cases I adore, is an out of site out of mind person, when she's under stress. Plus, she makes suggestions for development that are - in her mind - most expedient, but may be either most difficult or completely in opposition to the architecture.
This in addition to the awful-software from earlier. Headdesk. headdesk. headdesk. I'm chewing Tums. I hope I don't kill the thread.
Gah, finally got through with Verizon. Now to do it again with Pepco. Gawd. No, if I am cancelling electric service on October 1st, I can't arrange a meter reading on October 12th! Gah. And I live in an apartment building. I have no earthly idea where the meters are. And I can't go read them myself. And I SO dont' trust you to just "guess" what the meter reading is, and charge me that way. BOO.
Trudy, how's your mom doing? And how are you?
Thanks for asking.
Mom is still in the hospital being a medical mystery. To treat the blood sugar madness they want to take her off the steroids which presumably caused it. To treat the asthma and pneumonia, however, they need to keep her on them. It's a fun little balancing act. Yesterday her sugar got as low as 265 (which is 200 pts below its max) so that is encouraging.
I am just tired. My cohorts on the show I'm teching are being remarkably kind about my spacyness.
You know it's Monday when you spend half the day with your skirt on sideways before noticing. sigh.
A grape fell off the bunch I was eating, rolled down my thigh, bounced off the edge of the open filing drawer, and landed in the trash can. It was Rube Goldberg-esque.