Hey, Daniel, do you have a link for that story?
Nora, himself has just walked out the door to go to work. He said he got it off the latest News of the Weird website, and that he CC&Ped the whole story as it appeared there. If you are after more details, maybe try the KTRK-TV website?
It really is a Monday.
I'm ready to go back to bed.
I had such high hopes for the day!
It really is a Monday.
Tell me about it. Halfway down the mountain, I realized that the louder-than-usual gravel clunking noise I heard on the way out the driveway was my coffee cup falling off the roof of the car.
I have showered. I have driven to work. I have been here over an hour.
I am still asleep.
Me too! Which is particularly annoying as they expect me to, like, teach or some junk.
Blarg. Monday. Caffiene consumed, cute photos distributed to co-workers, boss chatted, work must now commence. Blarg.
the sound of leather on leather
gronk. the weather has turned just cold enough tthat bed is the best place in the world
Does anyone else use #1 filters for a personal coffee maker? I've been to three stores in the last few days and no one carries the #1 filters.
the sound of leather on leather
See, that makes me think of two men making out.
ION, here's my plan: I'm gonna cut a hole in my head, put a tea bag in and then add hot water.
You know, the brain can't feel pain. Does that mean I should be careful not to make the water too hot, or that I can make the water as hot as I want?
Ah, work.
On Friday, my department (being a total of 3 people) got our yearly chastisement for too much chatting. The bonus thrown in was vague statements about personal phone calls. All of which was delivered to us by Incompetent!Boss, while Mean!Bitch!sort-of!Boss stood behind him smirking at us, and Big!Boss's daughter stood uncomfortably in the doorway (I think Incompetent!Boss asked her to be there to witness our chastisement.)
Now, keep in mind that Incompetent!Boss -- on a daily basis -- talks people's ears off with really really boring stories about his dogs/car troubles/both, AND spends hours on the phone fighting with FedEx about how they lost his shipment/charged him too much/damaged his shipment/all of the above.
My department is, predictably, being incredibly pissy and small-minded and petty, and have not spoken one word to Incompetent!Boss beyond that which is absolutely necessary for work. And the really funny part is that we didn't discuss it, or anything; we just all reached an unspoken concensus of pissy pettiness.
(Scola, no need to post links to jobs. I'm actually *enjoying* the unified front of pissy pettiness.)