Hec, all the best wishes for your friend and her family. Also, what Ginger says is very true. My mother was diagnosed with leukemia when I was 10, and the oncologist figured she had about six weeks to live. (He didn't tell her that, he only told my dad.)
Mom has been in remission for 28 years now. Her former oncologist has her come talk to new patients to tell them that the odds can be beaten.
Oh Jilli, what a wonderful story. May her luck be with GF's dad!
Seattle people, it looks like I will be in your area very briefly later this month. I'm teaching a class in Yakima and I'm flying in and out of Seattle. I'm thinking dinner might be doable if all aligns.
Oh, Hec, I'm so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers to out to Karen, her family, and all that love her.
I, um, just woke up. Good of me to really screw up my sleep schedule FIVE days before school starts. I'm depriving myself of coffee, in the hopes that I'll want to just crawl back into bed between 9 and 10pm.
Of course, the downside to that is I just sent Cass an e-mail that said, "Have phone today!" Me=no working brain without coffee.
I'll move it over to F2F for the details.
I want a car magnet ribbon that says "FUCK CANCER" now.
Hec, so sorry to hear about your friend, but I do hope it's maneageable.
I just skipped 1000+ posts in Bitches. Something is wrong with my life. Hopefully, when I get internet at work in the next couple weeks, that something will change.
I think I may be posting my thoughts in the reverse order from how I should post them, but I will close with the highlight of my day today: Explaining to a friend what a reach-around is on our company IM system. THAT ought to page the net nanny!
Raq! I wore your shoes yesterday! Thank you so much again!
I just got my LUSH discontinued items in the mail!! I got the Slammer shower gel, which smells like jellybeans (YUM), and Lime Smoothie, which is so deliciously fresh limey that I want to jump into a vat of it right now. I might need a shower...
Cool! I liked the shoes in theory, but would break my ankle in practice.