Ok, this is getting crazy here at work.
I told you about L and Big Boss. So that is the accounting side of our group.
Over on the admin side, Admin Assistant #1 is out on materinty leave, due back in late September. The gal covering her, #2, is going out on disability next week to have shoulder surgery. I'm already covering half of #1's work while she is out. There is no trained #3.
t stamps feet tantrum-like
I no wanna be at workies! I wanna be yanking down wallpaper!!
Pooooor Empress! Destructive urges all unaddressed!
I have so much to do over the next three days that I don't know where to begin. I have to:
- Clean house.
- Get B's birthday gift sent.
- Prepare for mid-term.
- Start take-home final.
- Prepare for final project.
- Write paper for other class.
Maybe I'll do the first 2 today and do the school stuff over the weekend since they (the first 2) don't require brain power and I'm not in the mood to tackle schoolwork... Argh!
Yeah, Hec, that doesn't sound great, but things are getting better. And I wasn't really supposed to live, and that turned out...well, I did anyway. Never mind how it turned out.
Which, honestly, this summer, is feeling a bit less than stellar(Not for any serious Reason, mind you, just life) But my mother already got the "Don't feel like celebrating," thing from my brother, Emo Boy, and I really would like to have some fun for a change.
Any suggestions, Bitches?
I have a few weeks.
Any suggestions, Bitches? I have a few weeks.
Pie. Lots of pie. A different pie every day for a week.
::spreads health ~ma to family, friends and coworkers of the Bitches::
The librarian who has shingles called in sick today, so there are only two of us here in public services. Fortunately, it's quiet and I've been able to get some real work done.
Destructive urges all unaddressed!
I read this as "urges all un-dressed."
I could be naked and deconstructing my new place RIGHT NOW. If it weren't for that whole need to work to pay for the new place thing.
Between the upcoming holiday weekend and the great weather we've got here in the Midwest, the bookstore was very quiet last night. If it wasn't for a bunch of people picking up book orders that we called them about earlier in the day, it would have been even deader. I'm hoping it's not too bad on Saturday and Sunday.
I really would like to have some fun for a change. Any suggestions, Bitches? I have a few weeks.
Start planning a new tattoo: design, location, size, how best to set it off with wardrobe/hair/etc. choices once it's ready for display.
Get past your writer's block with a nice RPF frenzy, crime novelist style -- there are so many egregious assholes in public life begging for a little killing, even if purely imaginary (if you're willing to do fic on commission, I'm sure everyone here could compile a list that'd keep you busy for the next couple months). And, who knows, it might kick-start something non-ficcy, just plain good juicy fiction.
I'd have more, but the baby is eating my brain. Later, I promise.