You have to specify the old attribute value as well as the text of the primary? How demanding.
We are moving attribute values from one attribute to another attribute, but we are doing it team by team, not across the whole system at once. Hence having to specify the text of the primary rather than doing it for the entire collection.
t insert Yahoo! emoticon of dork adjusting glasses here
Damn. I just got the following IM from GF:
i think some shit is going on with my dad. my mom left one of her cryptic messages and now her phone is busy.
Oh, crap, hon. All the ~ma.
Oh damn. Ma ma ma from me, too.
Well, apparently they've done all the tests and have found nothing in the way of an infection, which means the leukemia is getting worse. He may not come out of the hospital after all. This is probably the beginning of the end.
I'm so sorry to hear that, GC. Much strength to you and your GF and her family.
{{{GC & family }}}
Added strength from me to you and yours as well.
- - - -
Let's go, Yankees! Clap, clap, clapclapclap
gazes approvingly at Omnis while wearing a pinstriped jersey
Robin, thank you! I thought I was alone. Always nice to know someone has your back.
LET'S GO YANKEES ! ! ! clap clap clapclapclap
Too bad I gotta work while the Bo-Sox/Yankees game is on. Stupid theater getting in the way of true entertainment!