~ma to d and d's mom. Hope you're able to get over to France!
Ring stuffs: we bought my ring (a sapphire) together sort of on a whim. I loved it, it was on sale, we thought, "why not?" We were not, however, engaged at that time. The ring sat in its box (with both of us trying to sneakily take peeks at it thinking the other didn't know yet) for a few weeks, until I asked Tom to marry me at the Leap Day Pub Quiz O' Destiny. He said yes. At that point, we were engaged.
I am sort of in ita's mindframe about engagement rings- I don't quite get why I get one and he doesn't. But I do love my ring, and I will often zone out on it and think about the lovely but freezing cold day we bought it on Newbury Street (where the owner sighed, "yes... I supose that could pass for an engagement ring"), and the Sunday afternoon flushed from a few beers and nervousness when I asked him to marry me, microphoned, in front of the entire bar, and just general awesome memories. And it's pretty, and I catch Tom zoning out on it too sometimes. My wedding band exists solely to complement the engagement ring; it would be a bit weedy looking on its own. Both are white gold.
HOT DOGS! My favorite weiners were at that place that is next door to the beer place on Haight Street in San Francisco. I have also found a german sausage place in this area that has some cool brats and frankfurters. Also, I like having 2 hot dogs at Fenway park with ketchup, mustard, relish, and onions.
Vacation news: things are pretty good here in Imagination Vacation land. We're just sort of chilling out. I made chicken stock yesterday from a stewing hen that we got from our farm; it's one of their egg laying hens that stopped laying. Older birds like that aren't so great for eating (a bit tough) so I bought it for the express purpose of making stock. I sort of like the symmetry of knowing I likely have eaten her eggs as well. I am addicted to farm eggs and cannot go back to buying supermarket eggs anymore- we were able to get a supply through out the winter from the farm as well. Mmm, fresh eggs.
Whew, lots of talking, you can tell I've been chilling out with minimal stimulation. Today we will drive up to Rockport for a lobster dinner in the rough.
Susan, I'm sorry about the twists and turns of D's job pursuit. I'm holding out hope for you guys that it will twist back into what you were wishing for!