back now! (actually last night, but I didn't plug in for a bit) Day trips to Baltimore entirely possible. couldn't find good mac-friendly wifi in 30th street station though.
oh {{d}}! much ~ma to your mom.
who leaves a laptop in a library for an hour? or a few minutes? jeesh.
engagement rings (late to the table, I know): one pal and his GF have lived together for 8 years. Just got each other rings - no ceremony. We're planning a non-wedding reception now. For sometime in the next couple of years - this isn't a fast-moving thing.
DH wanted to give me a ring, and I'd worked for a jeweler all through college - Those guys were like my older brothers. (mostly I was a polisher. BTW, the sound that a 'spenisve gemstone ring makes when, while you're polishing it, it shoots out of your hands, hits the ceiling, then the floor, is pretty loud.) We were living in Baltimore by the time DH proposed (while I was sleeping, but that's off topic), but he phoned down to C'ville ahead of time and we drove down that weekend. They'd picked out four stones based on what we could afford (plus, apparently, a little jeweler's magic - we couldn't afford much at all) and put them out on a cloth, then handed me a jeweler's loop. Suprise! Engagement gemstone test. There were a couple big-ass rocks, but the two smallest ones were almost flawless. So I have a small stone that has a lot of community to it. Which I love. We drop buy to see the jeweler-boys a lot when we visit C'ville.