d, lots of ~ma to your mother.
Congratuations to the Thomash family!
An email I got this morning made me think it was Wednesday, and I panicked because I wasn't ready for a Wednesday meeting and then I realized I could be ready if I just did x and y, and then I figured out it was Tuesday and now I'm depressed because tomorrow isn't Thursday.
In other words, I need coffee.
back now! (actually last night, but I didn't plug in for a bit) Day trips to Baltimore entirely possible. couldn't find good mac-friendly wifi in 30th street station though.
oh {{d}}! much ~ma to your mom.
who leaves a laptop in a library for an hour? or a few minutes? jeesh.
engagement rings (late to the table, I know): one pal and his GF have lived together for 8 years. Just got each other rings - no ceremony. We're planning a non-wedding reception now. For sometime in the next couple of years - this isn't a fast-moving thing.
DH wanted to give me a ring, and I'd worked for a jeweler all through college - Those guys were like my older brothers. (mostly I was a polisher. BTW, the sound that a 'spenisve gemstone ring makes when, while you're polishing it, it shoots out of your hands, hits the ceiling, then the floor, is pretty loud.) We were living in Baltimore by the time DH proposed (while I was sleeping, but that's off topic), but he phoned down to C'ville ahead of time and we drove down that weekend. They'd picked out four stones based on what we could afford (plus, apparently, a little jeweler's magic - we couldn't afford much at all) and put them out on a cloth, then handed me a jeweler's loop. Suprise! Engagement gemstone test. There were a couple big-ass rocks, but the two smallest ones were almost flawless. So I have a small stone that has a lot of community to it. Which I love. We drop buy to see the jeweler-boys a lot when we visit C'ville.
::pushes coffee beans through the internets to Sparky::
Sparky - you coming north soonish? We've found some nice trails and things. Plus the lush store...
you coming north soonish?
Still thinking I might drive up on Saturday after I get rid of the fellow who gave me my engagement ring. I need to play with Amtrak and Mapquest.
I just bought a dozen eggs. One of the guys who works here came through selling eggs from his chickens. I don't eat eggs all that often but I jumped on the chance for fresh eggs.
Oh, askye, that's great! I worked with a guy who raised chickens and would buy a dozen fresh eggs every chance I got. His were always pretty, Martha Stewart color, too, because of the varied diet he fed them. Much nicer than the supermarket eggs.
Fresh eggs are good - I get them at a farmer's market and now can't bring myself to buy supermarket eggs.
askye, for the dress you think might be a little too cleavage-y for work, how about a pretty scarf?
These are very pretty brown eggs. I'm sure the yolks will be beautiful as well, a nice rich gold rather than the pale yellow of supermarket eggs.
I heard, somewhere, that the freshness of an egg is indicated by how high the yolk sits above the white when you break it (as well as the nice, rich, gold color).
I am on the phone with USAIR trying to use my frequent flyer miles to go to France. Hope it works!