aaaauuugh! My nose itches now, thankyouverymuch.
I've just had the best worst day or the other way around. Mr. Jane and I got into a fight that wasn't. I said my piece, he said his; no screaming, was awesome.
Then I got to talk to my friend in L.A. who I miss very much. So, little teary, but another friend of ours is moving out there, so plans were made and I'll be in L.A. by this time next year!
Laga, you may need eye makeup remover stuff. I'm pretty sure regular facial cleanser doesn't do it. I have vague memories of successful mascara removal using Vaseline, and I've heard of people using mineral oil - but whether that is useful for all types of mascara or not, I can't say.
Witch Hazel is good for eye makeup removal.
I may be able to find some vaseline. Is it bad to leave it on overnight?
Depends on the stuff. I wouldn't leave eyeliner or mascara on. That leads to styes.
I've got some aloe vera gel... or nail polish remover
NO NAIL POLISH REMOVER!!! Try vasoline first.
A quick Google for thrifty eye makeup remover yields the concept that no-tears baby shampoo will work nicely - so one assumes that in a pinch, and with perhaps a few tears, regular shampoo would do the trick.
I thought I saw vaseline in my roomie's room so I'll wait for him to come home before I try shampoo.
I'm seeing many mentions of mineral oil and/or baby oil ... so I think if you can't access your roommate's vaseline, I'd try canola or olive oil (or, heck, any oil except 10W30) before going with regular shampoo.