lordy I just caught a giant bug in the box office. It looks like one of those Texas cockroaches. (it was wearing boots and smoking a cigar)
George Bush is in your theater? ;)
Thank you all for your warm wishes. Still waiting to get a hold of my brother (semi-hermit) back in VA. My Uncle seems to be taking it just fine. The problem appears to be her kids (previous marriage). It sounds before there was any grief shown, the kids were talking about the house and will. :: shakes head :: So in my talk with Uncle, I let him know that we (my mom lives in San Diego way) are her for HIM (not any loot), and to call us any time, and let us know what we can do for HIM.
I think I'm amazed at how little grief is being shown. Granted, it's all over the phone, but still. Granted, she was 60+ and had a bad case of MS, and was getting harder to get around every month. So not a total surprise. But still.
OK, I've babbled enough. Again, thanks for all your well wished. I Love you guys!!
I'm sorry the kids are being so insensitive to your uncle. Good grief.
I wonder if that would work for me. My problem is that I have oily eyelids, and the oil takes off waterproof mascara. My other problem is that I can't imagine spending $25 on mascara.
Ginger is me. I can't remember the last time I wore mascara. Many many years no doubt.
Makeup for me is once a year I go crazy and wear lipstick. My nails do get done regularly.
Laga, I feel your pain. The one show I acted in, they tried to put eye make-up on me. Oy was that an ordeal. After eyes turning all shades of red and face wet from involuntary crying, I pointed out "if one scene I'm wearing sunglasses, and the other I have a bandage over my eyes, do I need to have eye make up??!!??" Thankfully they said no eye make up was needed.
If they wanted to put makeup on me I would be oh so OK with that. It's the putting it on by myself that is causing panic attacks. I only wore foundation and lipstick on Win Ben Stein's Money and I think I looked just fine. Luckily Kristin sent me some incredibly detailed instructions to take with to the beauty supply store so I am feeling a lot more capable. Also I figure if I go with the most natural and neutral shades I can find I can't mess it up too bad, right?
Laga, I don't think that you need to worry about wearing mascara/following the instructions exactly. I wouldn't if it were me. They're just worried about how you'll look on camera, and these are the pitfalls they've seen from other people.
I can't remember the last time I wore mascara.
I can't remember the last time I left the house without mascara. When people would see me, anyway. But I rarely do anything to my nails but file. Nail polish is like once a year, then I get bored with the upkeep.
I can't remember exactly the last time I wore mascara but I think it might have been Jr High. The last time I wore eyeliner it was to draw anarchy symbols on my face.
buttered popcorn: the sad thing is that this is the sort of thing I would ordinarily turn to my sister for and she would gleefully step up to the plate. Unfortunately I'm still so mad at her that I can't even bring myself to imagine us getting along long enough for her to help me.
In asshat-in-law news Mom has told Meg that she doesn't want to see the asshat anymore and Meg replied that she would not be coming to visit unless asshat was busy (which is very unlikely considering he is still unemployed). However another glowey-box friend suggested I look into narcissistic personality disorder (previously the amateur psychology team of me and mom had diagnosed him with antisocial personality disorder) and the descriptions are eerily accurate. We found a website all about how to recover from relationships with NPDs but the only advice I have found (so far) on dealing with them in person was, "when you have to be around him, treat him like an infant. The rest of the time stay as far away as possible." Which is kind of sad considering I was hoping I could find some advice on getting along with the schlub but I do feel relieved to know that my instinct to run far far away was (if we amateur psychologists are right this time) actually the right thing to do.
I just had an evil thought to try and get ass-hat out of your sisters life. Truly a low, machiavellian thought. and borderline illegal.
I do borderline illegal (not to mention clearly illegal) stuff every day. Lay it on me!