t waves
Okay, I think I'm 300 posts behind. Um. Skimmity to the end and hope to catch up later.
Gronklies indeed, Omnis. I have to get myself into the shower so that I can go to the farmers' market for fruit salad ingedients for a party we're going to tonight. See my motivation? It is mighty. If you do see it, please ask it to come home. I kind of need it. Not only for the fruit salad, but also for doing some curricular work today. School starts Monday. Meep.
at least you have a plan of what you are bringing to party. I still dunno.
Yay sleep! I love sleep. Sleep is good and I just had some. Yay me.
Can you put Converse All Stars through the wash? Mine were wet and in a suitcase far too long.
Of course, about 20-35 miles from here they got 18 inches of rain last weekend...in 24 hours...to start with.
Technically, we are about halfway between the collapsed Interstate bridge and the record flooding. It's been an interesting month.
Laga, if the all-stars are not leather (do they make leather converse all-stars?) you can probably put them through the wash.
Happy Anniversary, Jessica & FoneBone!