I kind of respect that she's trying to take control of the temptations in her work environment
She should take control by not taking the candy! She was way out of line. Even if she is the boss.
OMG - cutest Hello Kitty bento EVAH!
Oh Airwolf. I loved Airwolf,
Word. I was in love with the chopper, though, not anyone breathing.
There are people at work who get annoyed when we have birthday cake and the like because they are trying to lose weight. To me, it's very selfish. Why do the rest of us have to suffer? There are other options. Leaving the office during that time or bringing your own lower-fat dessert option come to mind.
ha, GC, I just im'ed that link to my friend who owns the toy store that sells bento boxes and she said I was the 4th person to send her that link today.
Hahahaha! I didn't even get that HK was dressed as Totoro the first time I looked. Too adorable for words. I could never eat it, it's way too sugar.
Could you guys stop saying “sugar”? It’s just like saying “candy” and that tempts me and I can’t be force to take responsibility for choosing to eat 17 cookies when you guys are the ones saying “sugar” and making me eat till my ass pops off of my body from being so big.
Aw, Aims, you're so sugar-sugar!
Ok folks, I'm seeing a new hair stylist this afternoon. At a shi-shi spa place. What do I want to ask for?
Hec, I think you have seen my mop most recently. Ideas on how to make it work for me? Anyone? I
OMG, I just ate possibly the best cookie in the world. It was some sort of coconutty thing, but not a macaroon, and it was all meltt in your mouth and toasty and yum and damn, I wish it hadn't been the last one on the plate.
making me eat till my ass pops off of my body from being so big.
Part of our plan for there to be more fine Aimée ass in the world!