I'm lecturing tonight at 8:20 p.m. The professor coordinating this piece of the evening students' orientation just told me what classroom we'll be in, and then mentioned that she forgot to ask the AV people to unlock the computer. I raced to catch someone before they all left for the day and found out we've been scheduled in the room where the projector is broken.
So long as we're talking about ducks and their nibbly ways.
I heard it from Betsy on Table Talk. And I'm guessing cause ducks take small bites and wouldn't savage you like a bear might(Ok, Stephen, you can look now)
Betsy rocks. (ETA: Whether or not it originated with her.) I use that expression all the time and love it to pieces. And yeah, I see it as every nibble being some little annoyance that isn't a big deal by itself, but the cumulative effect is really not fun.
I googled the exact phrase and got 12,900 matches: [link]
One also had the phrase "death by a thousand cuts" which is similar but sounds a little more gory....
I know I've used it for 20 years, because we used it all the time at a job I had that pretty much consisted of being duck food.
LexisNexis has an instance of it in the Washington Post back in 1979, and that article uses it as if it's nothing new.
Huh. Interesting. I'm gonna have to tell her that she's way behind the times.
ION, today was the first day of school for my cousin's three-year-old, who needs a little early intervention. There was some miscommunication with the bus company, and he wasn't picked up until my cousin called to find out why they were 45 minutes late. Then, they lost him tonight. Poor cousin was out waiting for him to get off the bus. The bus comes, and he's not on it, and his two neighbor friends were freaking out about how they weren't allowed to let Noodle on the bus with them.
The school had him and was terribly apologetic about the whole mix-up, but still. He's three! You don't lose him! Even for a second!
Eek vw, that's terrifying. Seriously, if it were my kid, that'd be the first AND LAST day at school, at least at that school.
You are such a librarian!
Eek vw, that's terrifying. Seriously, if it were my kid, that'd be the first AND LAST day at school, at least at that school.
I KNOW! That's what I said to her. But, she's going to give them another day to figure it out. I felt so badly for her, though, because she was already all worked up about sending her baby to school so young. Then all that. Ugh.