Hey omnis. Some day you should give me a hard time for being at SCR next monday. Preferably before next monday.
I can't do that before hand, it's beneath me. But while here, we'll be happy to all chip in and give you a hard time. So much easier in person. And Mark is good at it! :)
Sean was really asking for that, wasn't he?
I just placed an order for T-Shirts and such with my company logo on them. Woot.
Ooo !!! MeMeMeMeMe!!!
(and somehow I feel like Horseshack from Welcome Back Carter)
One of my parents' late cats was an all black raucous talkymouth. Due to some odd thing we never figured out, her undercoat went white for a couple of years, in the classic siamese pattern (brindle siamese!) It was so weird! But also pretty much confirmed what we suspected, that she has some siamese in her somewhere.
I talk constantly but nobody thinks it's cute.
I had two black part-Siamese cats, brother and sister. Best cats ever. Talky. Big strong cats. Smart as hell. Miss them.
I'm seriously living in the South. I hadn't really gotten that yet, but yeah. Not the deep South, but Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are the area's Great Men, so that's South.
Gotta go. Sleep calling.
I'm home! Kind of, anyways. I'm at mom and dad's with Toto. Tomorrow I'm home. YAY!