A hootenanny pancake would rock right about now. Heck, a regular pancake would rock right about now. With just a little bit of butter. Plate and fork optional.
Poor Owen! Quick acting Benedryl ~ma for the little one.
I tried reading some Harry Potter to take my mind off of the stupid stabbing pains in my stupid head, but instead I fell asleep. Which really helped with the not feeling of the pain, but probably jacked with my sleep schedule for tonight. At least my head hurts less now and the stabbing seems to have subsided. Yay?
Cash, Mallory is all over welts. He looks like a smallpox victim. I put bugspray on him whenever we are out, so I figure there are mosquitoes in the house and/or he gets bit at daycare.
I feel so bad for him, and I'm trying to not panic about malaria or dengue fever.
If I were there, Kristin, I would break into your place for you.
Kristin, do you have a nearby neighbor who will loan you some fridge space? Lockouts suck. I hope you can save the dairy.
Ack, Kristin! I've locked myself out of my house a few times and even without groceries, it sucks butt. I'm sure it's extra butt-sucking with quickly going bad milk. I wish I could assist with something more than Landlord! Answer Your Phone! vibes.
If I were there, Kristin, I would break into your place for you.
She's good at it, too.
I feel so bad for him, and I'm trying to not panic about malaria or dengue fever.
I'm trying not worry about West Nile. Mainly, I know how miserable he is because I have HORRIBLE reactions to bites. DH doesn't welt up AT ALL. I wish Owen had inherited that trait. The bites don't seem to bother Liv, though.
Mal got the worst of both parents I think: He's tasty to mosquitoes like his father, but welts up something awful like me.
I've temporarily taken refuge in my car. I've cranked the AC and stacked the groceries near the fans. Thank goodness for hybrids. In theory landlady T. Should be home shortly, but who knows if she's working late or has after work plans. Dammit, I can't believe I did this.
Spoiled milk:
Note to self: hide spare key somewhere if I ever get into my house again.
I could drive down to Burbank and beg fridge space from my friend Tina, but that would be a 40 minute drive since it's rush hour. Dammit, I wish I knew if landlady were coming home soon.
Kristin, can you go buy a bag of ice at a convenience store?
It has Vodka (preferrably Monopolova), tomato juice, clam juice, olive juice, pepper, hot sauce (Louisiana Crystal is our fave), celery salt, squeezed lemon juice (go ahead and throw em in), and file. Garnish with either/and pickled green beans, celery, olives.
Hmm, I wonder if I'd have a bad reaction with the clam juice.
Kristin! Ack! Wish I had a spare, tho with the recording session and the drive, I think ND will be home sooner. Much Key~ma that T comes home soon with keys a dangling.
So I guess the question is... how much ice cream have ya been eating in the cool prius?