axe murdering is fine, but only if I get to come back in another episode with extra powers.
Iris likes her (first ever) bedroom, but wants to be at the house with the 'blue door' and not the 'black door' (baltimore=blue door).
DH has discovered that there 'is a lot to do' and is DH-tensy-tenseman.
Unpackers and axe wielders always welcome. I am confused - are you in PA or not? d - venture thisaway.
Um, I totally agree that, after florida (::ducking::), PA drivers are the absolute horrid. In every sense, including talking-on-cellphone-whilst-lane-dodging-into-oncomming-traffic. I hadn't thought about it being the DMV's fault. However, since I spent from 9am to 2pm in line for a #$)(*@# transfer license on Saturday, I DO feel a little entitled.
book stealers, beware. I have your shoesize. insent, btw.
{{lisah}} from a couple of days ago. what asshat wanted to mess with your window. I send you Dominik West for protection.
Yay, Deena pictures! ::waits impatiently::
Sox, your digits haven't shown up yet. ::waits impatiently::
sj, TCG owes you a dinner with interest.
eta: I got the numbers, Sox. Still waiting for pretty Deena pics.
I love the pretty customized Madden shoes, but alas, they come not in my size. At least it's easier to resist them.
So, you know how I burned my hand a few days ago? I had a lovely/large blister that (whitefont for grossness)
started to open up today. Then, at my hairdresser's, his landlord shook my hand in a firm manner and totally busted it open.
Sox, I live in Wayne and work in Bryn Mawr. But my friend is participating in a triathlon this weekend and I will be her massage therapist and supporter. Therefore I have no free time until the weekend after.
ChiKat OUCH!
sj, I'm sorry about your dinner. I hope you kicked him in the shins.
No, mostly I glared at him.
Oh sj, that's not nearly fun enough!
Chikat, that's not fun at all. Owch!
PICTURES! [link]
Wow! The kids are getting so big! Tell them I said hello.
Wow! The kids are getting so big! Tell them I said hello.
I will.
They'll seem perfectly normal most of the time, and then suddenly one of them will do something and I'll realize they're growing up. Kara will be in 1st grade in the fall. Aidan has one more year of pre-school.
Ok. I have like 10 chigger bites. Me don't like them at all. They're icky. And they're making me paranoid and itchy all over.
Toto, we're never moving to Kansas.