I understand the bitter receptors on your tongue tend to get less sensitive with age, so perhaps when I am 90, I too will be able to appreciate the grapefruit.
Amazon 3K rating is very very good and I bet paperdol's agent and publisher are dancing a little. Although, higher ratings get recalculated much more often (like daily instead of weekly) so it can dramatically change much more often, which makes authors even more nervous!
Cut them in half, sprinkle sugar on, and scoop out bits with a spoon?
Don't forget to put the maraschino cherry slice in the middle for a modicum of colour.
I eat grapefruit like an orange. Nom nom nom.
You may have all of mine, frankly.
It's still raining and thundering out there. I'm so glad to be jobfree at the moment, so I don't have to commute in it!
Alas for Nutty's soon-to-be-ex-roommates, who are going to be moving in all this....
Sesame Bagel with margarine:
In paperdol news, Our Favorite Book is now owned by 19 people on Library Thing, and that's enough for the Suggester agent to come up with a recommendation list. Here's the first ten:
- The Weaver and the Factory Maid by Deborah Grabien
- A Feeling for Books : the Book-of-the-Month Club, Literary Taste, and Middle-class Desire by Janice A. Radway
- Room Service by Amy Garvey
- Functional Training for Sports by Michael Boyle
- Lord Darlington's Darling (Signet Regency Romance) by Gayle Buck
- A Collectors Guide to Swords, Daggers, and Cutlasses by Gerald Weland
- Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet : New Essays by Karen Hellekson
- Shadow Patriots by Lucia St. Clair Robson
- The Lure of the Vampire: Gender, Fiction and Fandom from Bram Stoker to Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Milly Williamson
- The Love Match/Quadrille (Omnibus) (Regency Romance) by M. C. Beaton
Very good weekend, excellent company.
Very early morning. Have to leave early today, hence early morning. But not for anything fun.
Devi found a person not me that she doesn't flee from.
Work. bah.
I love that list, and think it's great that Deb and Amy are on it. I'm cracking up because I feel that the Functional Training for Sports and A Collectors Guide to Swords, Daggers, and Cutlasses are my fault.
And here I was thinking they were mine!
Oh! The hub is now a drooling Krav fanboy, thanks to the big dog's new book (edit: this one: [link] ). Also, the dedication made me tear up a little, even at two degrees.
we were just commenting on the "unfairness" of life that means guys like Victor or a friend Johann pretty much won't get a role unless it's written pretty.
...ita, looking at IMDB, your friend johann IS very very pretty...but it looks like his next few projects are porn??