Happy, happy birthdays, Nilly and flea!
And how thoroughly chuffed am I that Matilda first walked on Buffista birthday (eve)s? Thoroughly and completely. Now I'll always remember when she first walked
remember your birthdays (or possibly forget them both, but I choose to hope for better).
OK, this Dragoncon photo is pretty funny: [link]
Happy Birthday, Nilly and flea!
I missed flea when happying Nilly. Happy flea day, too!
Happy Nilly Day! Happy Flea Day!!!!!!
I seriously didn't know that Dragon*Con involved women walking around in their underwear: [link]
Perhaps she thought it was a different kind of convention?
t begins to regret linking to pictures
Not too surprisingly, I can get He-brew at my local grocery stores.
Happy birthday flea!!
OK, this Dragoncon photo is pretty funny
It's only funny if you aren't sitting there minding your own business when the chick with the leafblower comes around and starts blowing up kilts and sending sweaty crotch funk blasting into your face.