Heh! Fantastic, Nilly!
And fantastic to Walking Matilda, too.
I saw and actually liked
Natural Born Killers
a whole lot, Woody Harrelson is just on fire for that movie, and I loved the jump cuts, the use of different film stocks, the complete over-the-topness of the whole thing, the soundtrack. I'm not surprised a lot of people don't like it, but I suspect a lot of the distaste is for the form more than the message.
I am sending my first note to a school teacher cc'd to the principal. I am going on a parent list, I am sure. oh well. better this than more verbal altercations (which I had yesterday with the asst. principal). 5 MORE DAYS OF WHEELCHAIR!
Yay for five more days! Also, boo for five more days.
for my birthday
Is your birthday on the Buffista calendar??? Happy (belated?) birthday, Nilly!!
What! Was it your birthday Nilly? Happy happies!!!
msbelle, the wheelchair goes away just in time for the Jewish new year. "Let it be the end of a year and its cursings, let it be the beginning of a year and its blessing". I hope it means that the school will be better (even before that), too.
Is your birthday on the Buffista calendar???
Nope, because I celebrate on the Jewish date, which "falls" on a different general date every year. Putting there "the 23rd of Elul, which is a different date each year" is not very practical, is it?
But the Hebrew date is, indeed, today. Not belated (the Jewish day starts on the former evening, so yesterday evening, while still being Wednesday and September 5, was already Jewishly-speaking Thursday, with the proper date and all).
Which is a very long way of saying, thanks for the birthday wishes!
Oh! Happy Birthday Nilly!
Happy birthday Nilly!
Putting there "the 23rd of Elul, which is a different date each year" is not very practical, is it?
This is cool! On official forms then you just write what? For example when you filled out a visa request for the US, what did you write on the form?
So sleepy today.
Matilda News Update: First steps today!
SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! Go go walking baby!
And also heh, because suddenly my "Dylan flipped halfway over!!" news seems much less milestoney. (Back to side flippage, woot!)
I have a picture, but Flickr is being all ferwonky for me this morning.