x-posted from Technology, because I want as many opinions as possible:
Someone tell me if I'm in danger from my apartment. I turned on a lamp, and the bulb blew out with a bright blue spark (fairly new bulb), at the same time my APC unit beeped, and my computer shut down but didn't turn off. When I tried to shut the computer off, the APC beeped again. I tried to turn on another little lamp, but it won't come on. The red light on the surge protecter it's plugged into is off. I tried pressing the switch to off and then back to reset and nothing happened. I went to turn on a different lamp (it's quite dark in here) and it too blew out with a blue spark. I don't know what that means but it probably isn't good.
I've unplugged everything on that circuit except the surge protecter and the APC, which are plugged in behind the huge metal filing cabinet and I can't easily reach them. The computer only turned off when I unplugged it from the APC.
What do I do? How serious is this?
signed, Frightened by Electricity
Don't need a pillow fort. I get to go home. NOW. Wheeeee.
Odd request - anybody have any decent pictures of me?
I need something to accompany my Oxford American article, and my photobucket is relatively empty.
Zen, sounds like a call to the caretaker/apartment owner is in order! It's probably some sort of crossed wire in the wall -- can you get down to the circuit breakers/fuses?
Zen, I'm afraid I have no idea.
Top 10 evillest people. I have no intention about debating who deserves what rank. What I think is the saddest thing about every entry is that they spread their influence beyond the reach of their own hands. So all that evil? There were middlemen. That turns my stomach more than the dreams of despoiling of ten men--the hundreds or thousands that for one reason or another carried the actions out.
In cheerier news, I've only seen one of their ten most controversial movies (#2) and it's one of my favourites of all time. Seen it on the big screen a bunch of times. The list was very informative. I mean, I guess I always figured that
Birth of a Nation
Deep Throat
had plots--I just hadn't paused to wonder what they were.
God, I love lists. I should back away from that site.
Sounds like you blew a fuse (or tripped a circuit breaker, depending on how new your service is). Call the super and let then figure it out.
I've seen 4 of the 10 controversial movies, have read/heard enough about 4 more to feel as IF I'd seen them and own another but have not yet watched it.
I remember going to see The Last Temptation of Christ in downtown Chicago with my sister and mom a few months after it had opened, and there was one lone protester in front of the theater. I felt sorry for him in a way.
I remember thinking at the time that Scorcese inviting religious leaders to preview The Last Temptation was a stroke of genius. Much as I love that movie...and I still do...it really would not have been much of a draw without the controversy. Of course, it worked for The Passion in the opposite direction and ensured that I'll never personally lay eyes on it.