Burrell, private family bouncy-house time. That's such a cool memory for your kids to have! Oh, and thanks for the RH suggestion. I will keep my eye out for sale time.
Go, Cashmere with the fitness and the health! I am so glad all your hard work has paid off.
I just explained to Bob Bob what "shipping" was (as in, like XF shipping, not high seas). But first, I had to make sure he knew what the internet was, that it wasn't just everyone writing into Word documents and checking email. Because SERIOUSLY. How do you miss that if you're under 40?
It is a cool memory, but I always wonder what exactly the kids will remember of these early years. Of course, I'll remember it.
I love your explanation of shipping, bon bon. At first I was thinking "FedEx?"
Hee. I bet the SO doesn't know what shipping is. I'm guessing they don't have that in the Roland gear technical fora.
Steph, poor Boy! Risotto is awesome comfort food. Warm and creamy and cheesy and mild.
Jesse, you should totally do it! Check your local Small Business Administration chapter, and see if you have a local SCORE(They're retired executives that volunteer their time to small businesses.) They should be able to help you out with your market research, forming your business plan, etc. I agree with Kathy that it's a good idea to work in the industry first.
Also, I am about to keel over. Last night we got rained out of our show, but tonight we did not. I think I may be too old for this (and I'm the second youngest in the band.) for much longer. My feet hurt, my thighs hurt, and I'm tired! But it was fun, if lacking in certain levels of, err, expertise.
Jesse, when you're visiting your parents, stop by Porter Square books and see if you can strike up a conversation with the owner(s) -- they have plenty of experience in non-chain bookstores (my beloved, departed Wordsworth) and starting up a new one. And I'm sure they'll recommend actually working in one for a while!
Yeah, I like Porter Square books a lot. And sara, I will ask for your friend's email, but not yet! Still a pipe dream!
Morning all!
Happy Labor Day, for the US folks.
...And Happy Labour Day, for the Canadians.
To celebrate Labo(u)r Day, I'm sitting out on my patio!
Well, I'd be doing that anyway, on this nice a morning, but I'm doing it more festively than usual. I had a cookie!
...And Happy Labour Day, for the Canadians.
That too!
I'm going to celebrate by going back to bed, once I shoot up Ozzie.