Do I need to worry about additional barbecue goods?
paperdol, K bought a cinnamon creme cake for you so you'll have that too!
Burrell, I met the principal at the middle school you went to and live by today, which is one of the schools I'll be working at. I'm a little afraid. I didn't realize there was a tunnel that ran under the street and teh campus was bisected. It reminds me of the Crosswalk Prank which is adorable.
It reminds me of the Crosswalk Prank which is adorable.
Heh. That's clever.
Happy weekends, all. I'm (almost) outta here...
Wow -- I think that 'prank' is so obnoxious. And I don't understand why none of the drivers just started inching forward -- car always wins in car vs. pedestrian. Possibly because I live in a place where there is often a never-ending stream of pedestrians.
Suela, I hope your mom gets better.
Why is my body convinced that 4 hours of sleep is enough?
It's really not.
And I don't understand why none of the drivers just started inching forward
I did wonder the same thing. There were some pretty big gaps. I also wondered why none of the cars up front called the cops to disband them.
Where are you going Jesse? (I think I should probably know that, but I have been a bad skimmer lately)
Oh, I don't think I've posted about it. I have to go to a bridal shower in PA. It's a tea at 2, but the bus only runs every two hours, so I have to take the 11, which will get me there at 12:30. And then we're supposed to go out tonight, but I don't know what the hell we're going to be doing all day. Eh. I'm sure it will be fun enough, but the logistics are bumming me out.
The logistics do sound tiring. I hope you have a good time!
I think I may try the sleep thing again.
Huh. I just used Hotwire to rent a car for the day, and got a total of well less than half of any of the rates I was finding through Orbitz or the individual company sites. Under $25 including the taxes/fees. Plus I was able to pay with PayPal. I'll have to remember this for next time.
I think it only works for airport pick-up/drop-off, but you're pretty much stuck with that if you want a weekend drop off or pick up anyway around here.