Yesyesyesyesyesyes. Um, yes. As long as it's still PF, yes, the full RICE complement is required.
Unfortunately I won't be able to rest it much. The only exercise I get, the only thing that could be responsible for this (since it doesn't seem like an inciting-incident sort of a thing) is the walking to and from my car for work. And that's of a pretty fixed distance and number of repetitions.
Ah, well.
I don't look at those women and think about getting my old body back. My old body never looked like that.
I don't think I'm getting to the con, Zenkitty, but I'd be happy to meet people for food or drink.
I think my husband is making me a quiche for dinner. I happened to go get wine. LSU is playing and winning. Though this last play sucked.
Life is good.
Ginger, e me and I'll send you my cell number.
Speaking of chocolate:
Via Pharyngula: M&M Survival of the fittest [link]
An oldie, but still work a "heh". maybe two.
Oh, that's funny. I'd never seen it.
And here I am eating the poor, helpless, weak, baby Mini M&Ms. I'm a monster.
I drove 28 hours each way for my first trip to Boston.
Never again, unless a close relative's life depends on me doing it.
Longest nonstop run I ever did was Greensboro to Houston with a hellacious storm across the Achafalaya bridge. 19 hours. I'm still never driving that fucker again.
I can't imagine doing that now. I've been in the midatlantic long enough that a couplethree hours is a significant roadtrip. That totally goes away when I go back west, though. 3 hours from my brother's to my aunt's on backroads through Tx hillcountry? Just a chance to blare the stereo and lose my voice. 3 hrs to ABQ? A daytrip and how weird is it to spend the night?! It's weird.