I got this skirt, which is right at my knees.
But now i need a top, and there's nothing that can go on the top half of my body that isn't depressing or cry inducing. I have a pile of plain black tshirts and I wear one just about everyday, so I don't have to think about it, or be upset on a daily basis.
Thanks for the advice, y'all. I'm going to try the deep breath and run into Macy's. Also taking Dana's advice to spend no more than an hour in the store.
DJ, my family has this bitter joke now, every time some sort of natural disaster happens. Ohio floods, wildfires in the Midwest, whatever, and our response is "I don't think they should rebuild there. It's obviously too dangerous. I don't want my tax money going to support them."
I got this skirt, which is right at my knees.
Cute! Okay, wear that with a fitted black or white t-shirt, and some sort of interesting cardigan over it: [link]
or [link]
DJ, my family has this bitter joke now, every time some sort of natural disaster happens. Ohio floods, wildfires in the Midwest, whatever, and our response is "I don't think they should rebuild there. It's obviously too dangerous. I don't want my tax money going to support them."
Yeah. I mean, the Earth has enough gravitational attraction that it's constantly sucking in comets and meteors and what-not from the rest of the solar system. Obviously very dangerous - I don't know why anyone lives on Earth....
It's the whole, "Well they haven't done anything to help themselves! I know because I stayed in the French Quarter a few years ago! I'm tired of having to think about poor people!"
Seriously, tommy. You guys had flooding and tornadoes in Chicago. I don't know why I'm subsidizing you to live there. You should move to a place where nothing bad will ever happen.
I know because I stayed in the French Quarter a few years ago!
The Quarter, of course, always having been totally representative of the city as a whole.
t rolls eyes
DJ, did you hear that Oliver Thomas is facing bribery charges? He was a favorite for the next mayor. Fucking politicians.
Paperdol--What about this instead of a T-shirt? Expensive, but you can wear it with a bunch of things. [link]
the entire surface of the Earth is floating on molten lava thousands of miles deep.
So essentially we're all one earthquake away from being sucked down beneath the Earth's crust and fried to death in lava. Why most people don't even bother to live on mountain tops I just don't know....
DJ, did you hear that Oliver Thomas is facing bribery charges? He was a favorite for the next mayor. Fucking politicians.
I did! I'm flabbergasted. I heard him speak in Houston in Dec. of 05. Sad, sad, sad.