IembarrassingN, I actually wrote the back cover copy for the third book down in that link, Big Spankable Asses.
Did you get to read it?
Also, yay paperdol!
And, today, in addition and unrelated to me getting a promotion, the other Secretary IV has put in her notice AND our Dean is stepping down, and one of my personal team (a nurse educator) is scaling back her work to twenty hours per week! Big changes all around!
I'm so bummed that the link doesn't include the back cover copy, AmyLiz. I wanted to see what you could possibly say.
Oh, fuck. I mean, YAY AND GOODBYE, GONZALES, but CNN just had John Cornyn on for a phone interview, and he went on about what a sad, sad day it is and how terrible a thing it is that someone like Al Gonzales, a
good man
like him, and incidentally the highest-ranking Hispanic in the federal government, should be driven from office because he had the bad luck to be appointed at a time when politics reign supreme.
There are so many things wrong with that statement that I don't even know where to begin. I do know that I just threw up in my mouth a little.
I posted this question before and it got lost, but I think I'll try now when the board is slow--
I am typing a contract with the following sentance about payment. Does anyone else think it is fucked up, or is it legalese. It was written by a nurse with an MBA, not a lawyer:
Payment will be a shared assumption of MY UNIVERSITY 60% and TEACHER'S INITIALS. of 40% minus expenses. Expenses will include copying required course materials chosen by instructor, refreshments, and bulk mailings.
That's awesome, paperdol!
Yes, I had to read it. And honestly, there wasn't very much actual spanking, which struck me as quite odd. It was awful. I'm all for good erotic, but this ... wasn't.
I wish I could listen to the interview, but alas, it isn't to be, darnit.
ION, I still hate teeth. Or sinuses. I can't tell which is the cause but I'm pretty unthrilled with both right now.
Will the paperdoll interview be available online later?
Dunno if I can actually be at my desk in 35 minutes....
Apparently everyone was still denying it yesterday.
Isn't official denial our first clue that something is true with the current administration?
Holy crap. Did we know that Greece is on fire? [link]